Ch. 8

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(A/N) Hey everyone! Here's an update I've been working on since you guys have been waiting for so long! I'm trying to figure out where I want to take this story, but I'm hoping to update every 2 days or so and finish this book by the end of July! Also to avoid confusion in the book right now it is a couple weeks after Love Yourself: Answer promotions ended (Fall 2018)! HOWEVER, THIS BOOK IS FOLLOWING A DIFFERENT TIMELINE! The tour and everything isn't happening now, and everything that happens after this is a timeline I made up (It'll be super inaccurate lmao)! I hope you guys enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER: Ok so I don't think I really addressed this, but the entire plot and majority of this story is obviously gonna be fictitious. All the personalities of the members and other characters are MADE UP as well as some of the locations (for example in this story BTS doesn't live in Hanam the Hill but in another apartment complex with other company employees). Also, the "music" that Iseul produces (when referenced) are gonna be other kpop songs or other genres that are produced by other people in the real world because I'm not talented enough to actually produce and compose songs for this story lmao. So please no one get offended if it seems like my fictitious character and story are "taking credit" for other producers' hard work! That's definitely not my intention, just imagine that in this story Iseul was the one that produced it! Thank you, I'll shut up now, and I hope you enjoy the new chapters!

I mean it doesn't take an idiot to figure out that my newfound friend was actually Adora. The way Jimin looked at her with a shocked and almost hurt expression while she stared back in a look of guilt and shock as well made it apparent. But also you could see the tenderness she held for him in the way she addressed Jimin and how she held his hand. And behind all the shock and hurt you could see the love Jimin carried for this girl which was foreign to me as he was pretty much acting like a bitch every time I've encountered him. Also, I looked up Park Soohyun and the first thing that popped up was every news channel reporting about Adora and how she left Bighit.

Shortly after they left I ended up cleaning the spill on my own and headed home. I spent the entire weekend battling my mind that constantly wanted to think about Saturday, trying to get it to focus on work. Finally, Monday rolled around and I got up bright and early to head to Bighit. Yeah, I wish. I somehow ended up running to catch the bus just like my first day and showed up to work late...again. This time, however, the receptionist, whose name I found out was Soo Min, cut me off on my way to the studio and told me Bang Pd-nim was asking for me.

I knew it. Damn. I should've just skipped the shower. I mean deodorant and perfume would have worked right. I couldn't even hold the job for more than a week. The entire way to his office I prepped what I would say, expecting the worst. Reaching the door, I took a deep breath and knocked before walking in.

Bang Pd-nim was sitting at his desk shuffling through some papers, but when he saw me come in he set them down and smiled. "Come in Ms. Kim, I was meaning to talk to you! Actually I noticed that you tend to come in late and it has become a regular thin-"

"I totally understand that you would be angry with my tardiness sir, but I can fully assure you that I will wake up very early and even get here earlier then needed from now on. With that being said, I do understand if you want to fire me. I mean if I was you I would fire me too but then again I would never be you. I mean that would be pretty much impossible, an-" My mumbling rant was quickly cut off by him.

"Ms. Kim, I can assure you that I didn't call you here to tell you that you're fired. That would be ridiculous of me!" He said quickly reassuring me. I looked at him bewildered then relieved. Okay, thank god. I'm not being fired.

"Omo! Then what was it you needed me for?" I asked nervously.

"Well if you let me finish earlier..." he started, looking at me pointedly, "I was going to tell you that I understand you live very far from the studio and lack a personal form of transportation. But we have finished setting up your studio apartment and it's ready for you to move in, which should make getting here a lot easier for you!"


"I'm sorry, did you say studio apartment? For me?" My ears definitely need cleaning. Maybe I was spending too much time with headphones in. I think I'm slowly going deaf, because there's no way I heard him right.

He laughed. "Yes, your studio apartment. We provide one for all our producers and artists as they tend to work late into the night and are expected here bright and early in the morning. It's just a formality, as some of our producers such as Pdogg prefer to live elsewhere, but if you accept this apartment is yours as long as you work here!"

He has to be kidding. I came in here expecting to be fired, not offered a new place to live! "Oh my gosh, I don't know what to say...thank you so much sir! I won't let you down, thank you so so much!" I said gratefully.

"Oh, it's nothing Ms.Kim, really. Please continue to work hard, fighting!" He said as he smiled and gave me an envelope with the apartment key. "Oh, also, all the artists and producers live in one apartment complex, and the address is in the envelope!"

"Wow, I'm so grateful PD-nim! Thank you so much, once again!"

He smiled warmly once again. "No problem Ms. Kim! Continue to work hard! Oh and you can take the rest of the day off to move in!"

Giving him a final thanks, I hurried out of his office only to run into the chest of a startled Taehyung standing right outside the door.

"We have to stop running into each other like this!" He exclaimed, laughing as he grabbed my shoulders to steady me.

I laughed, scratching my head in embarrassment. "Sorry Taehyung, I didn't even see you there."

"It's all good, people just can't help wanting to run into such a handsome man like me anyway. You should consider yourself lucky." He said flicking the back of his hair.

I scoffed. The confidence and cockiness of this man is unbelievable. "Get over yourself." I said shoving him as he snickered.

"Where you headed anyway? You look like you're in a hurry." He said eyeing the envelope in my hand.

"Oh, well to be honest I thought I was getting fired for being late but actually Bang PD-nim just gave me the keys to my new studio apartment. The employee benefits here are actually crazy!" I said showing him the address and keys PD-nim gave me.

"Wahh, that is indeed very exciting!" He looked more closely at the address. "Yah! We're gonna be neighbors! We're in the same building!"

"No way! I am so excited we're gonna be neighbors!" I said sarcastically. But Taehyung didn't seem to even notice as he was jumping in excitement. "Anyway, I gotta get going. I wanna get everything moved today cause I got the day off."

"Oh, let me help you! You ride the bus, right? We can use my car, it'll make things way easier for you." He offered. Shoot. I didn't even think about that. How the frick did I expect to move without a car.

"That would honestly be so helpful. But did you have to see PD-nim or something?" I said pointing toward the door to his office.

Taehyung shrugged. "Yeah, but it can wait. I'd much rather help you too." I smiled. He was too kind. "Let's go!" He said excitedly, linking arms with me and practically dragging me behind him to his car.

We soon reached the car as Taehyung continued to chatter excitedly as he had been doing the whole walk here. We finally got to his car which was a sleek, black Hyundai Palisade.

"We all have to drive this car for a while since we're doing a sponsorship with Hyundai." Taehyung explained as he unlocked the car. Ah. The life of a celebrity. I got into the passenger side and put my address into the GPS system.

"Oh, by the way, we have to make a quick pitstop. Did I mention that Jimin is coming with us?" Taehyung said as he pulled onto the main road.

I whirled around at him, staring in shock. "What?!"

Oh boy was this gonna be fun. 

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