Ch. 9

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A/N: Again just making sure you guys know that this is a timeline I'm creating and a lot of things will be different! Don't compare it to what is actually happening/ happened in real life, or you will be very very confused!! Also, as of recent, I found myself slipping into the diamond life LOLL Ain't nothing wrong with that...but I want to let you guys know that I'm not sure where I want to go in terms of shipping Iseul in this book (like BTS or Seventeen or someone completely different) but just know that she is a producer for BIGHIT not just BTS and as Bighit did acquire Pledis...I'm thinking about bringing Seventeen into this story!! But nothing is for sure, and I just want to make sure you guys aren't expecting a BTS fanfic but a BIGHIT one instead. Anyways happy reading and enjoy the next couple chapters...I know it was a long wait I'm sorry!!

"No, Taehyung! You in fact did not mention that! Are you kidding?! You know that he has some wack ass grudge against me!" I was practically about to strangle him at this point.

Taehyung, however, was the epitome of calm. "Relax, dude. He's like practically over that. I think. Actually, maybe not. Also we don't have a choice. He texted me saying Jungkook ditched him at the gym and he has no ride back to the dorm. But since I'm a genius, I figured we could all go help you move together! This could be such a lovely bonding experience for you two! And you get an extra pair of hands to help you move. Isn't that such a good ide- why are you looking at me like that?" He said, finally looking over at me as we reached a stop light.

I stared at him, my left eye twitching. He can't be serious. I was still traumatized by the whole awkward cafe situation that happened yesterday, and I planned on avoiding Jimin for hopefully the rest of my life.

Before I could respond, however, Taehyung was pulling into the side of the street where a casual Jimin was standing, looking down at his phone. When he saw us pulling in, he put his phone back into his pocket and gave us a cheerful wave.

Hold on. Jimin was actually smiling. And he looked insanely good.

Something about his smile was entrancing, though. I felt like I was seeing him for the first time again, and I couldn't look away. Standing there in just a black baggy hoodie and snapback, but softly smiling. He was practically glowing and dressed like that; I don't know how he still manages to stand out. I quickly looked away before I was caught practically checking him out. What was I thinking? This dude practically hated me. I mentally slapped myself making sure to snap out of it.

Jimin pulled open the door and settled in quickly, and we were off on the road again. Taehyung and Jimin went into a whole ass brother greeting, while Jimin just gave me another awkward smile, and I nodded back.

The rest of the car ride entailed Taehyung having to break the tension with awkward conversation starters that fizzled out into silence after a few sentences. Eventually he stopped trying and drifted to asking me for directions instead,  and Jimin avoided conversing by plugging in his airpods and leaning his head against the window.

Finally we reached my apartment and as we got out of the car, I noticed Taehyung was still seated, seatbelt on and everything. He noticed my stare and said, "Oh I gotta make a call, but you guys go ahead."

Of course. Of course Taehyung would do this. I expected it. I smiled back at him teeth clenching and making it clear that his life was over as soon as his call was over.

Awkwardly turning towards Jimin who also seemed uncomfortable with the situation, I nodded my head towards the entrance of the building, gesturing for him to follow, and started leading the way to my flat.

The same silent tension carried all the way up to the 5th floor but right as we were about to reach my apartment, Jimin softly grabbed my elbow, gesturing for me to stop.

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