Ch. 3

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(A/N): Wow!!! We're getting close to a 100 reads guys!! Thanks so much for sticking with "Sing for Me"!!! Also feel free to comment and give me feedback or makes me so happy:)

And.....who do you guys want to see Iseul shipped with lol. I'm thinking either Yoongi or Jimin right now but idk, let me know!!

"I don't think we should wake her up." A voice whispered.

"It was your idea to come here idiot!" Another voice hissed.

"Wah, she's so pretty." A different voice added.

As I rise from my heavy slumber I am first aware of all the voices in my room. My eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light, could make out three heads looming over me. What the-

"Guys give her some space." I heard from what seemed to sound like Namjoon.

The three heads instantly disappeared from my view as I sat up from the couch. In front of me were Namjoon, Taehyung, and two other unfamiliar men.

"Hey Iseul! We were gonna order takeout and were wondering if you were hungry or if you wanted anything for dinner." Taehyung said with a cute smile.

"Dinner?" I said. Had I really slept the entire day?

"Yeah, you must have been super tired. You were wiped out for like 10 hours." One of the men said sympathetically. "I'm Jin by the way, another member of BTS."

"Nice to meet you." I said giving him a tired smile. I haven't slept that well in ages. Granted, this couch was ten times more comfortable then the lump I call my mattress and I didn't have to worry about an intruder sneaking in as this was probably one of the most secure places in South Korea.

"Hey Noona! I'm Jungkook, the maknae of BTS." The other boy shyly said. Aww.

"Hey Jungkook, sorry you guys didn't meet me in a better state." I said embarrassed. I probably looked awful.

"It's cool we didn't really warn you anyway." Namjoon said. "So...dinner?"

"Right," I said forgetting why they were here in the first place, "I have to go home to gather my stuff anyway so I'll just have dinner there. But thanks so much for the offer, I really appreciate it." I finally stood up and gave them a bow as I went to grab my purse.

"Are you sure?" Jin asked.

"Yeah noona, we can get to know each other better!" Jungkook said hopefully.

"Yeah I'm sure. You guys carry on." I said hoping to convince them. I was truly touched that they wanted to eat with me, but dinner was not on my budget. I had to spend every bit of my recent, flimsy paycheck on this months rent and groceries for the week. Eating out was a luxury I could never afford which contributed to my nonexistent social life. Whatever friends I had would always get irritated when I made stupid excuses to hang out with them because I was either scraping together the last of my money or busy working. Eventually they just stopped contacting me, and I grew to accept that.

They seemed a little sad but then Namjoon, ever the leader, broke the silence by cheerfully saying, "Alright then, see you tomorrow Iseul!"

And with that they bid their farewells and walked out leaving me to think of the exceptionally appetizing cup of ramen I have waiting for me in my room.

I locked my studio door and was making the trek back to the entrance of the building when someone rudely bumped into me, knocking my purse to the ground. Wow, the second time in one day. People here need to watch where they're going. I turned to see who it was but he was already walking away, not even bothering to apologize.

"Hey!" I yelled at him to which he still didn't turn around. I cursed as I picked up my stuff that fell to the ground. What a jerk! He had his hood up so I couldn't even get the color of his hair. As I reached the lobby, the receptionist gave me another sickly sweet smile and a too fake to be true goodbye. But I was too busy thinking about the rude guy to even care about her.

I left the building and made my way to the nearest bus stop. As I sat down and played my head against the window, I thought about everything that happened today and felt a very small candle of hope relighting itself in my heart telling me that things were finally about to get better again. And that small candle made me forget about the rude jerk and equally bitchy receptionist. It made me think about Namjoon, Taehyung, Jin, and Jungkook's efforts to get to know me. It made me think about Bang Pd-nim choosing me out of everyone who applied to be a new producer in his prestigious entertainment company. It made me think about the possibility of new friends and a happier life. And that...that was enough for me. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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P.S: I just added my author's note so go read that if you haven't already. It's just a shitty explanation of my reasons to write this book lol.

Sing For Me // BTS Producer FFWhere stories live. Discover now