Ch. 1

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"Excuse me..."


"Ma'am? Can you just-"

I tried getting the attention of one of the running workers around me as I waited in the lobby, but they were too busy to hear.

It's been...maybe two hours since I got here and the place was busy as ever. The receptionist told me to wait about 10 times and I've refilled my coffee cup for the 167th time. But I should have thought twice before having 5 cups of coffee because now before my meeting with the CEO, my leg won't stop jittering. What? It's free coffee. A luxury I can't afford all the time.

"Kim Iseul?" the receptionist called.

"That's me!" I said standing up.

"Bang Si-hyuk is ready to meet you now. Come with me." she said flicking her hair behind her shoulder. Classy.

The building was a maze. We've been walking for about 5 minutes and we still haven't reached his office. However, the journey was anything but boring. The building was lined with BTS's achievements from their very first daesang to their recent award from the Grammys as well as various other awards from past groups and other soloists I wasn't quite familiar with. There were also multiple practice rooms where I could see what I assumed to be trainees, hard at work.

Wait... are those dog barks? I peeked through the window of one of the practice rooms to see a couple of younger boys practicing a dance with music that apparently involved dog barking. Weird, but why is it good?

I turned back around to see the receptionist way ahead of me looking irritated while she held a door open.

I speed-walked to catch up to her because something told me that this building is not one you should run in.

"No one in this building appreciates tardiness Ms. Kim. I suggest you stay more focused and on task if you want to be successful in this company." she said with a stern look.

Jeez what crawled up her ass this morning.

I quickly nodded before heading into the office to see Bang Si-Hyuk in conversation with a few other men that were faced the other way. Not wanting to be awkward, I fixed my hair and smoothed down my shirt before clearing my throat.

All the men stopped their conversation and turned their heads around. Okayyy, bad idea. What the fuck, the job didn't have attractive as one of the qualifications because all these men were ridiculously good looking.

"Ah you must be Kim Iseul!" Mr. Bang exclaimed brightly before ushering me over. "Come, come, take a seat." I quickly bowed before waddling over to one of the empty seats next to one of the very attractive men.

"Everyone this is Kim Iseul, she is going to be a new producer and composer here at Big Hit. Ever since Adora left I've been looking for her replacement and ever since I heard Iseul's amazing samples I knew she was exceptionally gifted and that she had to work here." Mr. Bang said smiling. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" he said, looking hopeful. Aww, he's too precious for this world.

"Yes," I said with a nervous smile, "H
ello, my name is Kim Iseul as you've already heard. I'm 22 years old, and I graduated from Seoul National University last year as a music major. I don't think I'm exceptionally gifted but all I know is I love making music and it's a pleasure that I get to do what I love amongst all of you here." I ended with another smile.

A chorus of applause and a few greetings like "Nice to meet you!" came from the all the men.

"Oh my god, silly me! I forgot you don't know anyone here!" Mr. Bang exclaimed.

Okay, ouch. I know I'm new and all but you don't gotta do me like that, Bang.

"These are all the producers that work here at  Big Hit, let me introduce them to you." He said starting with the man sitting next to me. "This is Shin Donghyuk or better known as Supreme Boi."

"Nice to meet you, Iseul. I look forward to working with you in the future." Supreme Boi said with a smile that was very unnecessarily attractive.

"This is Kim Namjoon or RM and Min Yoongi or Suga. They're members of BTS but also some of our most talented producers and composers." Mr. Bang said with a proud smile.

Now I wasn't a hardcore fan of BTS. I never brought myself to learn the members names or anything about them. But living in South Korea and not knowing about BTS was practically impossible, and their music was everywhere which I admit are brilliantly composed. Now that I was meeting two of the members I couldn't help but look at them in awe.

I quickly bowed at them to which they responded to with smiles.

"And finally this is Kang Hyo Won or Pdogg and Kwon Do Hyeong or better known as Slow Rabbit." Mr. Bang said gesturing at the two respectively. Again I bowed at them as they said it was nice to meet me.

As I looked at all the men again I couldn't help but fangirl a little. I mean I was sitting next to some of the most talented men who produced and composed songs that have endlessly topped charts and won awards. Yet I already forgot who was who. Woops.

"Now that introductions are done, do all you boys mind leaving so I can explain the rules and formalities to Ms. Kim?" He asked. They all got up sending a chorus of goodbyes but before the last one left he was stopped by Mr. Bang. "Namjoon, can you wait outside, I'd like you to show Iseul around the building and to her studio when we're done."

"Sure, it'd be my pleasure." He said with a wink as he exited the door.

Again, very unnecessarily attractive.

After Mr. Bang explained all the rules which were pretty basic, he gave me the key code  to my studio and shooed me out as he received a "very important, can't miss" phone call.

I left the office to see Namjoon- yay my genius brain memorized one name- waiting for me with a smile. I bowed at him, to which he told me to drop the formalities and gestured for me to follow him.

As Namjoon showed me around the very extensive and expensive building I saw something on a door that caught my eye.

"Hey isn't that th-" and suddenly the door flew open,  knocking the wind out of me.

My glasses were knocked off my face which made my vision severely blurry. Through my impaired eyesight I could make out Namjoon profusely  smacking another man that even my poor eyes could tell was ridiculously attractive.

Welcome to Big Hit indeed.

Sing For Me // BTS Producer FFWhere stories live. Discover now