Ch. 7

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(A/N) Ahhh hey everyone! Sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long!! Online school has been a bitch...why teachers would assign essays and tests amidst a global pandemic is not known to me smh. Anyway I hope everyone is staying safe and social distancing at home! Also what the heck!!! 1.8k reads!!! That's crazy!! Thanks for reading Sing for me and I hope you continue to support it!! Now that we are in quarantine I pretty much have nothing else to do other than dumb online school assignments so I hope to regularly update everyone!! Please give feedback and continue voting and commenting!!! THANKS AGAIN!!!

Chapter 7:

I groaned with frustration and collapsed on my back in the grass. I've been working pretty much the whole day as the sun was starting to hit its late afternoon blaze, but to no avail. All the lyrics I've been writing are getting too personal, making it useless for Bighit to use. I mean if I keep giving them lyrics about heartbreak and trust issues people are gonna start getting suspicious. I need something inspiring. Moving. Something with a hint of sadness but masked with another feeling.

    Eh. Maybe it'll hit sometime later. For now, staying in my slump seems like the better option.

    The soft grass and warm sun paired with the perfumed scent of cherry blossoms began lulling me to sleep. As I lay there, my eyes began to flutter close, the exhaustion of the week finally hitting. Just as I was dozing off I felt a shadow across my face blocking the sun. Opening my eyes I looked up to see someone blocking the sun. The rays around their head made it look like they were wearing a halo, I thought.

    I squinted before blurting, "God?"

    The person laughed. "A common mistake, but the mortals tend to call me Park Soohyun." She said with a smile while offering her hand. "Sorry for intruding, but I saw you dozing off and didn't want you to regret falling asleep in the sun."

    I took her hand, grateful for the gesture and smiling at her joke. "Thank you so so much, I almost would have, if you hadn't come. I'm Kim Iseul by the way." I said, finally able to see her face, and I was blown away. "Wahh, you are so pretty!"

    She laughed again. Even her laugh was elegant. "No, no. You are! You have the most beautiful eyes!"

    Damn. It just hits differently when you get complimented by an exceptionally gorgeous person with an exceptionally gorgeous personality to match.

    "Ah, thank you but I just can't get over your visual! I mean your style and hair and everything is just so chic!" I said, continuing to gush over her cause it was true. She was wearing flowy high waisted white shorts with a fitted blue top and a pale pink oversized jacket, and her short hair was dyed blond with a lilac ombre at the bottom.

    "Okay, okay fine, we're both pretty and chic!" She said, this time both of us were laughing. "So is there a reason you were so exhausted you were ready to fall asleep and risk a sunburn?"

    I awkwardly scratched my head. "Yeah, I wasn't thinking about that. It's been a really exhausting week at work."

    She sighed, nodding her head in agreement. "I feel ya. I've spent the entire week looking for a new job and came to take a walk in the park for a break, but I honestly feel like I'm about to pass out too."

    We both smiled at each other, finding our exhaustion relatable. "Well, since we're both about to fall asleep, how about a cup of coffee to wake us up. It's my treat! I owe you for saving my skin a while ago." I offered, laughing.

She chuckled as well and surprisingly agreed. "Sounds good! I know a really good place near here, come on!" She said, taking the lead.

     I followed, catching up to her pace. The walk to the coffee shop was probably a good fifteen minutes, but to us it felt like two. She was chattering the whole way there asking me questions and telling me about herself. Soohyun seemed to have a bubbly and chirpy personality and kept the conversation going which made up for my semi-awkward social skills from having almost no friends my entire life. I was glad to be getting along really well with this girl. We finally reached our destination which was a cute cafe that was bright and colorful matching my new friend's aesthetic perfectly. I also noticed that it was incredibly close to the Bighit building.

    "Wow, this is really close to where I work." I said as we walked inside.

    Soohyun looked over. "Really? I used to work around here too and always came here the morning of work." The memories of her work seemed to make her a little sad as she looked down at her feet. "I would always pick up drinks for my colleagues. They were the best." She seemed to be lost in thought before shaking it away and putting on a smile again. "Anyway, you should get the whipped matcha frappe! It's the best thing here!"

     I smiled and nodded at her, deciding not to ask about work. It seemed to be a touchy subject for now, and I didn't want to scare away a potential friend.

    We got our drinks, and the owner seemed to know Soohyun well as she greeted us warmly and led us to what was supposedly Soohyun's regular and favorite spot. It was a cozy spot with two fluffy loveseats and a small table by the window.

    We sat down and picked up the conversation from our walk right where we left off. I found out that Soohyun and I had a lot of similar interests especially in music and fashion. As we were talking and laughing, I suddenly heard a cup crash to the ground behind me. Quickly turning around I saw that it was a man whose face was covered by a mask and hair tucked under a black hat was the source of the noise. His eyes were fixated wide in shock, and his hand was still in the position of holding a cup although the brown liquid was no longer in his hand but pooling around him on the floor. I got up to offer help but Soohyun was already ahead of me.

    "Jimin-ah..." she said as she approached the man.

    I stared at the scene in shock. Jimin? I looked at him again and saw a piece of silver hair peeking out from under the cap which gave him away. No way...did they know each other? They must have since she addressed him so casually, I thought.

Both of them just stood staring at each other, but the coffee shop that held only a couple customers began returning to their original conversations and tasks that the commotion had interrupted. Before any of them did anything, Soohyun came back to me grabbing her stuff and whispered, "I'm so sorry, but I need to go and take care of this. We exchanged numbers right? I'll be sure to text you, it was really nice meeting you Iseul." And then she grabbed Jimin's hand leading him out the door before I had a chance to respond.

    Damn. They didn't even clean the mess.

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