Ch. 6

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It's been a week since Jungkook told me about Jimin's tragic love story, and so far nothing has changed. In the couple interactions I had with him they were silent and tense. Both of us wishing to be anywhere else now.

The other boys however, couldn't be more welcoming. They're probably the greatest guys I've ever met in my life. Constantly practicing and perfecting, they carry the passion they have in their voices and movements. Everytime I see them they're always in the studio preparing for the next comeback, working on cover songs, or filming some shoot. I noticed that they never made time for themselves, but they seemed to not care. To them, this wasn't a job. It was their life. And it seemed like they couldn't be happier.

It was Saturday morning, and I had the day off. Just yesterday we had our weekly evaluation, and I played the two tracks I came up with for them. They seemed to like it, giving me a few suggestions on how to make it better. Namjoon said the lyrics seemed to be very personal and asked me about it which lead to an awkward silence. It was personal. All my songs were my story. But I couldn't tell them about it. Not yet at least. It still hurts too much. I quickly played it off then, but I knew that eventually they had to know.

I begrudgingly rolled out of bed and got ready for the day.

I put on some shorts and t-shirt layering a light jacket over it. Tying up my converse, I grabbed my purse and lyric journal before stuffing my hair into a hat and heading out to catch the bus.

Seoul really is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It just had some magic in the air that attracted people all over the world to see what it's all about.

My favorite place in the whole city however was Yeouido Park. The park was especially beautiful now in the spring. It was lined with cherry blossoms, there were hardly any tourists, and in my opinion some of the best busking performances happened there making it idealto be inspired for composing music.

As I walked on the trail and took in the fresh air, my mind wandered to the worst day of my life which unfortunately happened here.

For much of my life I had learned to become self-reliant. After losing your mother to cancer and being emotionally abused by your father who you eventually ran away from, you kinda have to.

But one day I was basking in the sun at Yeouido Park after a dreadful day of college when I met him.

He confidently strode up to me and said, "My friends bet me I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the park. Can I buy you a drink with their money?" He asked charmingly.

I was appalled. He was the cutest guy I had ever seen and I was done for as soon as I saw him walking up to me.

I flirtily smiled back, "It depends. Can I call you after?"

And that's when I thought I had been the happiest in my life. Little did I know that meeting him was the worst thing that happened to me. I couldn't foresee the pain and depression and I didn't realize that when I said yes I trapped myself into a hell I couldn't get out of.

I pushed those thoughts away not wanting to ruin such a lovely day. Things were turning around since I got a job at Bighit and although they were nice to me, I can't be so quick to trust. I can't go through that pain again.

So I sat down at my usual spot in the grass that had an excellent view of the gorgeous Han river and pulled out my journal beginning to brainstorm some lyrics.

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Sing For Me // BTS Producer FFWhere stories live. Discover now