Ch. 4

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A/N: OH MY GOD, 200 reads!!!! That's crazy guys!! Sorry if you've been waiting for an update, I've been trying to figure out where I wanna go with this story since I now know that people are reading it lol:) Also how do you guys feel about Itzy's comeback?!! It took me a couple listens to get into it but now I'm bopping. I'm also OBSESSED with Cherry and It'z Summer...anyway here's chapter 4!

P.S. Most of you are silent readers and I admit I'm one of them too, but please leave a vote or comment!! I would love to go through comments and see your guys's thoughts:))

"This one!"

"No, that's far too exposing! I won't be able to hold a conversation with any one of them without worrying about someone looking down my shirt!"

I was about ready to pull my hair out as my mind fought the battle of what outfit to wear to this meeting. For me, nice clothes were a luxury and among the few things in my closet, I only had two outfits that would be deemed appropriate for the occasion. Checking the time I already knew I was going to be late. By the time I get dressed, I'll probably miss the last bus for the morning.

Finally I settled on a green blouse tucked into the jean skirt I've been hoarding for about five years. I lightly applied some makeup that I also needed to use sparingly before throwing my hair up into a ponytail. I gave myself a once over in my mirror and decided that this was the best it was gonna get.

Grabbing my purse and home production equipment that I packed up last night I left my apartment building, running to the bus stop where the bus had fortunately just arrived

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Grabbing my purse and home production equipment that I packed up last night I left my apartment building, running to the bus stop where the bus had fortunately just arrived.

When I arrived at Bighit I was rudely ushered into a conference room by the receptionist saying that I was late again. She pushed me into the room before shutting the door leaving me to deal with what looked like twenty people staring at the commotion.

"Uhh...Hi! Sorry I'm late..." I said repeatedly bowing and apologizing before taking the nearest seat. I found myself sitting next to Namjoon who gave me a quick smile before turning his attention back to the meeting.

"Before I say anything else, for the rest of you who haven't met her, this is Ms. Kim Iseul." Bang Pd-nim said gesturing at me. "She is going to be a new producer here and I want you all to treat her well because I believe she is going to bring forth a new era of incredible music for us!"

Wow, this man thought highly of me. I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. What if I messed this up?

Pushing my thoughts away I stood and bowed again while simultaneously reevaluating the room. There wasn't twenty people, in fact there were only about ten or so. All who were incredibly attractive might I add. Yes, I'm including Bang Pd-nim as well. What! He was adorable.

Next to Namjoon were six other men, who I assumed to be the other members of BTS. I spotted Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook who all gave me friendly waves. On the other side of the table were the other producers who I met yesterday along with Bang Pd-nim.

As I sat back down, one of the members, Suga, I believe started talking about new ideas he had for the comeback. Although their recent Love Yourself: Answer comeback was amazing had already broken records, Suga expressed that they had to do even better and work harder for the upcoming comeback. The other members seemed to nod in agreement as I was giving them a look of disbelief. How do they fail to value their talent and hard work!

As the meeting went by, I had a chance to acquaint myself with all the members, although one of them, Jimin, I believe, seemed to be acting a bit cold. When he was addressed he looked annoyed and never spoke. He only gave a slight nod of his head before turning the other way, ending the conversation. I wasn't sure if he was annoyed by me because I had never encountered him, so I couldn't possibly have done anything to him. I shook the odd feeling. Maybe he was just stressed and I was overanalyzing. His personal problems aren't my concern.

Soon enough the meeting was over and we were all dismissed. As I was heading back to my studio, Taehyung caught up to me.

"Hey Iseul-shi!" He brightly greeted.

"Oh, hello Taehyung-shi!" I said quickly bowing.

"Oh, you can drop the formalities! I'm a 95 liner as well so that makes us friends." He said winking at me. I smiled back at that. I was a bit surprised that he was walking with me at all. With my workaholic lifestyle, I always gave up the opportunity to make friends, but after meeting Taehyung and others yesterday I had a feeling that it was about to change.

As we walked Taehyung and I talked about the most random things. I quickly found his personality to be charming and charismatic. Talking with Taehyung would probably brighten up any conversation, as he held this sort of energy that made you want to be around him all the time.

As we were nearing the studio, Taehyung departed saying that he had to talk with Hoseok about something. We said our goodbyes as I walked into my studio and set my stuff down.

During the meeting we were all told to start working on new music as soon as we could and we would be having weekly checkups to see where we were at. I unpacked my equipment from home and plugged my laptop into the fancy software in the studio. Settling some headphones over my ears, I closed my eyes and started to hum hoping a tune would form. I soon caught a few notes that were blending well together, and turned on one of the sampling pads to began forming a beat.

This was the feeling that made me want to be a producer. Music made me forget my real situation. The fact that I was struggling to pay my bills, and recovering from...him.

As I continued to work, I didn't hear someone coming in to the room. I didn't hear them panicking until they knocked over one of the speakers. Startled, I jumped out my seat, knocking my headphones off in the process find the source of the commotion. And lo and behold was a paralyzed Jimin darting his eyes between me and the broken speaker on the floor.

Sing For Me // BTS Producer FFWhere stories live. Discover now