Chapter 8 - Word of the Day

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Newsies Group Chat 

Race: Going to meet Nate for the first time today!

Maine: Aw, good luck!

Crutchie: How old is he again?

Spot: Nine.

Maine: Don't be afraid to ask Crutchie and I for parenting advice. Our kids may be young, but so far they've turned out well.

Crutchie: Besides their sixth sense that can detect chocolate covered raisins from a mile away and then steal them when nobody's looking.

Maine: AGAIN?! I need to get a safe for those things...

Crutchie: Brooklyn would probably crack the safe if it meant getting chocolate covered raisins.

Jack: Hey, at least they know how to share, right? XD

Jack: Sorry, what are we talking about?

Crutchie: Would it kill you to read back?

Jack: OH, meeting Nate, right, sorry!

Katherine: Oh, good luck! I hope things go well.

Maine: Well, how are the rest of you doing?

Jack: Mediocre. Davey went out with a friend and accidentally left his phone at home. 

Crutchie: What friend?

Race: Davey has friends besides us?

Jack: Yeah, it's some lady we met at the airport, her name is Alexis April.

Race: Isn't that Superman's girlfriend's name?

Spot: You mean Lois Lane, dumba5$?

Katherine: Hey, cut it out, you two. You have to at least act like you love each other when you go to meet Nate. 

Race: We do love each other. Dumba$5 is a term of endearment in our house. 

Sarah: Not anymore it's not. That's not appropriate language for raising a nine-year-old.

Maine: Jack seems salty about this Alexis person.

Jack: I'm just a little upset that he's going to see her without me. I wasn't even invited.

Sarah: That does seem a little out of sorts... The fact that you weren't invited, I mean. 

Crutchie: Yeesh, this is reminding me of Kara XD

Jack: Alexis isn't like Kara, though. She's really nice.

Crutchie: No, I mean the way you're acting about it.

Katherine: Yeah, why does Jack get so jealous when Davey hangs out with girls? 

Sarah: Especially now. You're married.

Jack: I'm not jealous, I just want Davey to be safe.

Katherine: I think you need to talk through this with Davey, work it out together. 

Elmer: I love how we're all completely disregarding the fact that Spot and Race are stepping into parenthood because Jack can't handle Davey going to see girls.

Jack: Elmer I swear I will end you.

Spot: Guys, I don't care if you continue this conversation, but please do it elsewhere. I don't want mine and Race's phones going off at a mile a minute while we're meeting Nate.

Katherine: I'm sorry for their behavior.

Spot: Don't act all innocent, Katherine. You're a part of the problem.

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