Chapter 24 - Not-So-Happy Halloween

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"Mama, is Johnny going to wear a costume?" Bethany asked.

"Yep, he's going to wear your uncle Les's old dragon costume," Sarah smiled, "as long as Davey and Jack remembered to pick it up on their way over here,"

"Are Spot and Race coming this year?" Bethany tilted her head.

"They might, but... don't count on it, they're... kind of... sad this year," Sarah tried to explain.

"Oh," Bethany frowned.

"But... Jack is bringing his other niece and nephew, do you remember Andrew and Brooklyn?" Sarah questioned.

"No," Bethany shook her head.

"Well, they're a few years older than you, but I think you'll still get along with them," Sarah explained.

"Alright, Johnny's fed and ready to go trick or treating, where's your brother?" Katherine exited the bedroom carrying Johnny, she was dressed as Applejack from My Little Pony because Bethany had just gotten into the show and wanted everyone to dress as characters from it, and, for some reason, she had chosen Applejack for Katherine. 

"Looks like everyone's here," Sarah looked out the window and saw Jack, Davey, and Nugget, along with Maine and Crutchie's family - all of whom dressed as different color Toads from the Mario games - about to knock on the door. 

"Mama, can we put our costumes on now?" Bethany stood up.

"Yeah, let's go," Sarah took Bethany to the bedroom to get their costumes on. Bethany wanted Sarah to dress as Rarity because Sarah made costumes the same way Rarity did. Bethany herself wanted to be Rainbow Dash because blue was her favorite color.

As for Johnny, he was going to be a dragon, because dragons were a prevalent part of My Little Pony as well. 

Katherine let her friends in and greeted them.

"Can I hold Johnny?" Davey asked, he appeared to be dressed normally, but, upon further examination, Katherine realized he was dressed as Jim Halpert, which she only realized when she saw Jack in a pink cardigan.

"Of course," Katherine nodded, "but, you know the drill, wash your hands first,"

"I hope it's okay that we brought Nugget," Jack chuckled.

"I guess it's good to get the kids acquainted," Katherine shrugged, "nice costumes, by the way,"

"Thanks," Jack smiled, "I'm just upset that we couldn't find the right skirt," he joked, "does Pam ever wear regular pants?"

"Probably," Katherine couldn't remember.

Davey returned from washing his hands, so Katherine handed Johnny to him.

"Katherine, look, we're mushrooms," Brooklyn giggled.

"Oh, speaking of costumes, here," Jack handed the dragon costume to Katherine.

Sarah and Bethany exited the bedroom in their costumes, Bethany looked excited at first, but stopped in her tracks when she saw Nugget. Then she started to cry and hid behind Sarah.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry," Davey apologized, "we didn't know that Nugget would scare her,"

"Bethany, sweetie, it's just a puppy," Sarah tried to comfort Bethany.

"Bethany, come on," Brooklyn went and took Bethany's hand, then pulled her over to Nugget, "he's friendly, see?" Brooklyn started scratching behind Nugget's ear.

"He's a bear," Bethany hid her face.

"He's not a bear, he's a dog," Brooklyn corrected her, "see, Nugget, speak,"

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