Chapter 38 - Not So Bad

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The last day of school, Jack picked up the twins from school and took them to Wendy's for lunch.

"How come our dad never picks us up from school on short days anymore?" Andrew asked.

"Because he works full time," Jack shrugged.

"What does that mean?" Brooklyn questioned.

"Well... he works more than eight hours a day," Jack explained, "before, he worked less than that, and not even every day, that means he worked part-time... So, what do you guys want for lunch?" It was almost time for them to order.

"Can I have a cheeseburger?" Brooklyn replied.

"Okay, what about you, Andrew?" Jack continued.

"I like chicken nuggets," Andrew responded.

"Can we get Frosties?" Brooklyn looked up at Jack.

"If you both eat all of your food," Jack decided.

When they got their food, they sat down and started eating. That was when Jack recognized a familiar face... one he never thought he'd see again, and this person seemed to recognize Jack, too.

"Jack Kelly, is that you?" Morris Delancey approached him.

"Um... yeah..." Jack didn't know how to go about this, "Morris,"

"How have you been?" Morris was equally as uncomfortable, if not more.

"Alright," Jack nodded.

"Are these two yours?" Morris pointed to the twins.

"Uh... no. This is my niece and nephew," Jack answered.

"Oh, so they must be Crutchie and his spouse's, right?" Morris reasoned.

"Yeah," Jack confirmed.

"Is... is Crutchie doing alright?" Morris asked.

"Yeah, he's fine, he just had to work, so I picked up his kids from school," Jack explained.

"I'm glad he's doing fine, I'd feel so bad if I never got a chance to apologize," Morris sighed.

"Apologize for what?" Brooklyn suddenly spoke.

"My brother and I weren't very nice when we were in school," Morris admitted.

"Where is Oscar, anyway?" Jack had never seen the Delancey brothers apart before.

"In jail," Morris told him.

"Oh," Jack couldn't say he was surprised, "I'm... sorry,"

"No, it's fine," Morris laughed, "I've been doing a lot better since he hasn't been around. Believe it or not, most of the things that happened in school were his idea. Of course, that doesn't make ME any better because I went along with it, but... I really am sorry,"

"Ah, let the past be past," Jack shook his head.

"I was just trying to be a good older brother, but after high school, things got so much worse," Morris explained, "but enough about that, like you said, let the past be past. How are you and... Davey? Was that his name?"

"Great," Jack smiled, "we're married and we both work at the high school,"

"Let me guess... art teacher?" Morris figured.

"Guilty as charged," Jack paused, "well, substitute art teacher, but close enough. What do you do?"

"I've been in trade school for the last couple years, I just got a job as a locksmith," Morris replied, "well, it was nice catching up, see you around,"

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