Chapter 11 - Oops...

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"Sarah, do you know how to stay calm when someone is making rude and intrusive questions and comments?" Katherine flopped down on the couch after getting home from a work meeting.

"Oh no, what happened?" Sarah was sitting at the table working on colors with Bethany. 

"There's a new guy in the office, his name is... I can't remember, Peter or Percy or something, but he saw my phone background after the meeting and he starts interrogating me," Katherine explained, "he was like 'oh is that your family,' and I was like 'yeah, that's my wife and our daughter and our cat,' which isn't all that bad if that's where the conversation ends,"

"But I'm guessing it's not?" Sarah stood up and went to sit next to Katherine.

"No, he asks if Bethany is adopted, and so I tell him 'no, my wife got an IVF,' and that's already none of his business," Katherine continued, "I really had to try to stay calm, because I don't think he was TRYING to be rude,"

Katherine took a few more minutes to tell the whole story, after which she needed a little calming down from Sarah.

"Alright, how was your day?" Katherine asked.

"I finished that Sailor Moon costume that one girl wanted, so she came to pick that up," Sarah shrugged, "and I've been working on colors with Bethany since then,"

"How's she doing with that?" Katherine looked over at Bethany.

"Let's see," Sarah smiled, "Bethany, can you bring us the yellow crayon?"

Bethany stood on her chair and looked at the crayons, "This one?" she held one up.

"Bring it over here," Sarah shrugged.

Bethany ran over and handed the crayon to Sarah.

"Good job, that's yellow!" Sarah congratulated her.

"Yeah!" Bethany smiled.

"Okay, I'm going to go make dinner, I'm finally trying my hand at that chicken soup recipe my grandma gave me," Sarah stood up, "I hope I can make it as well as she can,"

"Soup?" Bethany asked.

"Yep, it's a new kind of soup you haven't had before," Sarah nodded.

"I'll keep working with Bethany on those colors," Katherine stood up and took Bethany back to the table.

"I still think it's crazy how Maine's been doing parenting," Sarah commented, "they've been letting the twins pick out their own clothes since they were old enough to see enough colors,"

"Blows my mind," Katherine agreed, "okay, Bethany, what color is this crayon?"

"Um..." Bethany considered, "red,"

"Good job!" Katherine nodded, "did you know that red is one of my favorite colors?"

"What color is your favorite, Bethany?" Sarah set a cutting board on the table and started chopping vegetables for the soup.

Bethany looked at all the crayons and picked up a blue one.

"Blue is a really pretty color," Katherine smiled, "it's your uncle Jack's favorite, too,"

"Davey likes blue, too, but he prefers lighter shades," Sarah added, "blue is the most common favorite color, I think. Which makes sense, because it's the color of the sky and the ocean and stuff,"

"Felix!" Bethany saw the cat coming around the corner, having seemingly just woken up from a nap.

"I'm glad Bethany and Felix get along so well," Sarah watched Bethany go pet the cat, "it makes our life a lot easier,"

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