#2: lost puppy

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For the past week I've been hanging with Ray at the library and heal always insists on walking me home. So I started walking to the library instead of using my dads bike.

But today I was late. What's new. I ran down the stairs and jumped on my bike. It's Thursday so it'll be busy. Friday's are exam days.

I zoom maybe a little too fast but if no one sees me then I never did it. I hop off and throw the keys in my bag as I rush into the library to the front desk plopping my bag on the floor.

"Hi Miss Lilly" I heard Mrs. H behind me.

"Heyyyy how was your morning?" I smile innocently at her.

"The cart is full for you and I have another pile on the table and a stack of returns" she went and started typing on the computer.

"Ok thanks bye" I hurry and go to put these books back.

After I finish the first cart I get back and see Ms. H filling another one up. She gives me a smile and pushes to me. I leave the empty one. I go towards the 20s now and hear some rustling, like a fight. I push the cart into an empty aisle and run to the noise. It's Ray fighting this guy in some weird leather suit. Like a super hero. That's strange.

"You have to come back" the strange guy said.

"I can't......not yet" he struggled and pushed the guy down to the floor. "Tell your highness that I'll come back soon" I hid behind the other shelf.

"As you wish" he stood up and clicked his watch and poof. He was gone. What. Just. Happened.

Ray punched the wall. Hard. He's upset I should leave him alone. Or I should talk to him......

"You can come out Lilly" dam it was I too loud.

"Oh. Uh. Hey! You looked distraught so I was going to let you have a moment alone" I awkwardly smiled.

"It's fine. I know you saw" he sighed and slid down against the wall.

"Ok I saw you were fighting some strange man.......about going back" I fiddled with my fingers.

"Yea. That was my famous cousin......my mom sent him to get me to come home.....we made a deal 2 years ago when I was 16." I nod leaning against the shelf looking at him.

"I mean if your 18 you don't have to listen to anyone."

"I have obligations with my family....I wish I could run away" he whispers "it's just a lot of rules and responsibilities I have to follow"

"Well if you ever want to run away just tell me" I smile "and if you ever want to talk I'm here too"

"Than-" he was interrupted by Mrs. H. A groan slips past my lips when I heard her voice.


"Shoot" I whisper. "Find me later" and I rush out to where I left the cart.

After I finished putting all those books away I was done for now. And I started looking for Ray. But I can't find him. I wanted to talk to him.

Mrs. H started locking up and we left. "Do you want a ride honey?" She asks me as I start walking to my bike.

"No thank you. Today I drove" I told her as I grabbed my keys.

"Ok have a safe night" she tells me and drives off.

I walk to my bike and see a lost puppy poster on the post I left my bike next to. I take a picture of the picture in case I find the puppy. It was a little white fluffy dog. So cute. Maybe I could check the park.

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