#14: heart diamond

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"Ugh I just can't remember the why and how to metamorphism in spells." Cindy groans as we review our shapeshifting spells. We have a test Monday and it's a big grade.

"Ms. Snow said we just have to have a clear and quiet mind and it should be easy" Pearl tells her.

"It can't be that hard right?" I ask them.

"Let's try now....tell me what to become" Cindy turns to ask me.

"Ummmm be a tiger!" That would be cool to see.

"Ok." Cindy closes her eyes and lets a deep breath go. She glows and magic surrounds her. And now she's a cat. An orange striped cat.

I pet her and laugh. "I mean it's pretty close" she growls at me. "I'm sorry but your a pretty kitty" the other girls laugh as she puts while I pet her.



"Oh it's Ray...I'll be back" I smile at the girls and go into my room. I answer the call. "Hey how has your week been treating you?" I ask Ray over the phone.

"It's tiring, after the witches attack Silas has us practicing extra"


"Ray what was that?"

"I uh.....I'll call you back"

I heard explosions, shouting and just bad noises coming from the phone and he hung up.

I rush out of the room into the living room where all the girls were doing homework and Cindy was still a cat.

"What's wrong?" Bella asks looking up from the books.

"I think something is happening at strong heart. I was on the phone with Ray and I heard explosions" they all start looking worried.

Cindy changes back into herself and I transform. It's easier now. I just focus on my magic and imagine my wings then bam. I go to our balcony doors opening them up. "I'm going if you guys want to join I have a feeling the witches came back" the girls waited no time and we're all flying towards strong heart as fast as I could. Bella was ahead but she gave us all a breeze to fly faster.

When I see strong heart in view it's a war zone. There are these black spirit ghost things like in Harry Potter attacking the specialists and school.

"ALRIGHT GIRLS LETS GO KICK ASS.....DONT GO ALONE STAY IN RANGE" I shout as I fly to the floor Ray's room is on. There are hundreds of these ghost guys.

Pearl came behind me and I see Cindy with Bella fly off above us. I see dimitri flying off these things. There's 5 on him right now.

"DIMITRI DUCK......WOLF RAGE" a wolf head spell boats out of my hands as dimitri ducks and it eats two of the ghosts.

"Thanks girls" he winks at Pearl and she went off next to dimitri putting a barrier around them. I heard another explosion and pieces of rock started falling on us. "Lilly go make sure everyone is evacuating....we can take it from here" Pearl gives me a nod as she blasts the ghosts.

I fly in towards the ships zone. There is at least 50 of the ghosts attacking and destroying the ships. The specialists are struggling against them. Some of them look like little kids! A group of 3 middle school looking kids are surrounded by 6 of the ghosts. Their little hands trembling with the swords and spears in their hand.

I fly in front of them. "GET DOWN" the boys shaking figures duck under. I fly above them. "ENERGY OF LIFE" the spell pours out of my chest and fills the loading bay with an explosion of light. All the ghosts disintegrate and some of the specialists were knocked down.

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