#13: surprise

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It's Monday. Again. School has been more fun. Right now it's combat and we get to transform! I haven't tried since the showcase but I'll figure it out.

I tried texting Ray but he hasn't answered me yet. I think I scared him when I went all blood thirsty the other day. I just was so mad when she hit him I couldn't relax my magic. I guess emotions are dangerous when mixed with magic.

"Alright ladies transform for our flying practice" Pyrite tells us and flashes of magic surrounding the girls and everyone is now full of wings. And I'm not. I sigh as Pyrite comes to me. "Focus on something you love you just need a strong emotion"

I nod and close my eyes as I focus on something I love? What do I love? I remember my night adventure with Ray on Zandite. I smile and feel my magic surround me. I open my eyes and I'm in my fairy form. Exciting!

"I did it!!" I cheer as I fly up.

"Good job Lilly and welcome to class officially" Pyrite smiled as I fly back down.

"ALRIGHT LADIES....one at a time.....we're practicing stoping and avoiding attacks" he claps his hands as a floating obstacle course appears.


After two hours of flying and dodging magical attacks I am drained of all energy.

The girls and I are all doing homework in the living room. "So Lilly how is Mr. Dragon rider?" Bella asks me.

I sigh and give her a small smile. "I don't know...."

"What do you mean? You guys are always talking" Cindy gasps

"He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts after what happened this weekend.....I think I scared him away when I went all crazy." I just want to make sure he's okay. I hate not talking.

[Pearl] "I'm sure he has a reason"

[Cindy] "yea maybe he's just busy. The place was a mess they're all still cleaning"

[Pearl] "yea....I'm sure everything is okay"

I smile at the girls. "I'm sure there's a valid reason" I sigh and continue reading about potions.

After a few hours of studying. I stand up and stretch "I'm going to sleep early tonight girls. I'm tired from all that flying" I say goodnight lay in bed. I hug my pillow and just close my eyes remembering my time with Ray. His touch. His smile.


When Lily went to her room to sleep all of her friends looked at each other worried for her. They've never seen her this quiet or upset since they've met.

"Cindy what should we do?" Bella asked worried about their roommate.

"I think we have to get Ray and find out why he hasn't answered" Cindy pulled her phone out calling Brady. The two of them have had a natural chemistry, it's funny how opposites attract.

"Hey Brady Bear!" Cindy cheers into the phone. She likes teasing him.

"Cindy....what is it? I'm busy"

"I need to know why Ray is ignoring Lilly!"

"He's been locked away in the training room the past few days. I haven't seen him"

"Ok thanks bye see you later" Cindy said fast and ended the call. "Brady hasn't seen Ray" she looked down at her phone.

"Wellllllll I'm supposed to see Dimitri tomorrow" Pearl smiles "I'll try to talk to Ray then?" She offers the girls.

"Ok perfect! And we need to keep Lilly happy! Maybe get some ice cream or something to make her feel better" Cindy cheers smiling.

She really cares for her friend, her best friend, her first real friend. "I'm going to call it a night girls....that obstacle course Pyrite had today really was rough" Bella stretches up and everyone says goodnight as they clean up and go to bed.

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