A kiss in the rain but make it Steddie

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HEYYY ITS ME SIENNA! What's up?! I've been really obsessed with stranger things a lot and recently or a month ago I said I wanted a hellfire club tshirt and I got one so I'm happy ab that but N E WAY! LETS GET INTO THE STORY (: (:

Steve was driving home from work with robin in the passenger seat. He drove to her house dropping her off and letting her go. She said a quick thank you before shutting the door and heading inside. Steve's guess was that she was gonna see Vickie later.

He drove off and blasted music in his car on his way home. He actually did a good job since he had music blasting. Once he got home he saw some bikes in his lawn. "Damn it what are these kids doing here?" Steve said shutting his car off just as well as parking it.

He got out and shut his car door. He saw Eddie sitting outside his house. "Harrington!" Eddie yelled. Just as soon as Eddie was going to hug Steve one of the kids came out of the front door. "Eddie, mike says-" Dustin was about to say but he saw Steve. He then dashed towards him hugging him. "Steve, I'm glad your back, it's awful in there" Dustin said.

Steve pulled away looking at Dustin then at Eddie. "Are you kidding me?" Steve said running up to his door. He opened it seeing the kids running around like manics everywhere. "What is going on around here?!" Steve yelled. Max was running after Lucas since he took one of Max's things.

"Lucas give that back right now! I need it!" Max yelled. El was sitting on the couch watching Lucas and max. She shook her head sighing. Eddie, Steve, and Dustin stood there. "Hey guys!" Eddie yelled.

He ran over by Lucas stopping him and max fell chasing one another. Mike and Will were play fighting but nothing to serious. Everyone looked over at Eddie and Steve. "Oh no" Will said.

"Yeah- oh no is right" Steve said. He sighed running his hands through his hair then rubbed his neck a bit. "Me and Eddie are gonna go for a drive for a bit- when we come back, my place better be the way it was before" Steve said.

Eddie was so confused at the moment. Steve dragged Eddie out the door closing it behind them both. "What was that?" Eddie asked. Steve dragged Eddie towards his car. "What was what?" Steve asked opening the passenger side door. He walked around to his own side getting in while Eddie got in as well.

They both shut their doors. Steve started his car up. "You just dragged me out of there telling them to pick up after themselves? I don't think their gonna do that man" Eddie said. Steve scoffed. "They should, and they better" Steve said.

Eddie sighed while Steve took off out of his driveway. He then started driving around not going anywhere in particular. "So- where we going Steve?" Eddie asked. Steve shrugged looking at Eddie for a split second then at the road again. "No where in particular" Steve said.

*let's head back with the party shall we?*

Mike and Will were in the kitchen doing dishes while Dustin was in the living room cleaning up as well. Lucas and max were helping Dustin. Eleven was putting away any clean and dried dishes that needed to be put away. It took the three of them awhile but they got everything cleaned up in the kitchen.

That's when Lucas and max started to fight like they were a married couple. Just out of the blue. Just like that. Only because Lucas and Dustin started the conversation but then max butted in. Eleven told Mike and Will that she would be back.

She walked towards the living room. "You guys- stop fighting! You two fight all the time" eleven explained. Lucas and max stopped right when eleven said that. Eleven sighed. "Thank you" she said. Dustin just stood there. "We should keep cleaning guys" Dustin said.

They all agreed to keep cleaning before Steve and Eddie got back. They didn't wanna get into any more trouble then they already got into.

*now back with Steve and Eddie shall we?*

Smol stories and oneshots <3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora