More steddie bc i can (: <3

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Hey guys- it's me sienna (: whats been up with you guys? I just decided to make another story of Eddie and Steve bc I've been reading a bunch of stranger things TikToks so- if u want my TikTok just dm me (: NE WAY; onto the story;


Steve was driving home from work. He worked at Family Video. It was a year after the whole Vecna deal. It was raining of course to Steve's dismay. He eventually got home and saw bikes in his front yard. "Damn it" Steve mumbled to himself.

He sat in his car for a minute seeing if it would lighten up a bit, like rain wise. It didn't. Steve cursed to himself a little. He sighed running a hand through his hair. He looked out his window before opening his door and booking it to his front door.

Yes he made sure to shut his car door. Once he got to his front door of his house. He opened the door seeing Eddie on the couch with El and max sitting in front of the couch. "Where's Henderson?"

Steve asked looking over at Eddie. "Look in the kitchen" Eddie said not taking his eyes off the tv. Steve sighed kicking his shoes off and headed towards the kitchen. "Henderson? What are you doing in my kitchen?" Steve asked.

Dustin was trying to make food but wasn't going very well. Dustin looked over at Steve. "Steve!" Dustin yelled in excitement. "You better pick all this up after and clean up my kitchen" Steve said. "I'm gonna go shower and clean up" Steve said again.

"Okay- mike and Will are upstairs!" Dustin yelled to Steve who was already walking out of the kitchen. Steve motioned for Eddie to follow him. Eddie got confused but followed Steve anyway.

Steve and Eddie got to Steve's room only to find Mike and Will sitting apart from one another. "Hey out of my room- go downstairs both of you" Steve told the two boys. Eddie stifled a laugh making Steve nudge him. Mike and Will scattered out of Steve's room going downstairs.

Steve stood in his doorway yelling to Mike and Will about helping Dustin in the kitchen. Eddie sighed throwing himself on Steve's bed. Steve turned and leaned against his doorframe. He had his arms crossed. "I'm gonna grab clothes and take a shower" Steve said.

He walked over to his closet grabbing whatever he saw first. Eddie sat up and just watched Steve. "Why did you make me come up here?" Eddie asked. Steve turned to look at Eddie. He smiled. "To do this-" Steve said. He walked over to Eddie leaning down and kissing Eddie right on the lips.

Eddie was taken aback but he kissed back straight away. Steve smiled into the kiss and pulled away having his hand rest on eddies neck. Eddie and Steve smiled at one another.

Steve fully pulled away walking out of his room leaving a smiley and giddy Eddie in his room. Steve went to the bathroom to shower. He took his previous clothes off and hopped in the shower. Steve took a fairly quick shower and got out.

He got dressed in some sweats and a tshirt and a zip up hoodie. He cleaned up the bathroom and headed back to his room to see Eddie wasn't there. He sighed and headed downstairs seeing Mike and Will kissing on the couch.

"Hey Mike, Will" Steve said making the two boys jump apart. Steve laughed at the two a bit. "It's okay- you two are fine, I was gonna ask where everyone else was" Steve said. "Th-the kitchen" mike nervously said. Will kinda scooted closer to Mike to try to hide.

Mike put a arm around wills body. Steve smiled at the two. "Harrington?!" Eddie yelled from the kitchen causing Steve to dash towards the kitchen. He saw everything cleaned up and everyone eating at the table. "Huh..Munson go tell Mike and Will to come eat" Steve said.

He smiled at Eddie getting his own plate of food. Eddie walked by Steve and kissing him on the cheek quickly. Steve smiled and nudged him to get Mike and Will.

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