Narry OneShot

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Hey guys! Me again! I made a phan oneshot, so you guys want to check that out, go ahead. I think it's pretty crappy but if you guys like it, plz go vote and leave a comment. I might leave a note at the end. I don't know, we'll see. But let's get into the story.

Niall's POV:

So, today I am out at a party that some guy is having. Right at this moment I'm sitting at the bar just having some soda. Sprite to be exact. I don't know where Harry is, because he's the one who dragged me here. To be honest I didn't really want to come. But Harry dragged me here. I look behind me and see that Louis and Liam are on the dance floor, probably drunk and shit. "Hey Niall" I jump and look to the side of me to see Harry next to me. "Jesus Harry" I said laughing at him. He smiles and sits next to me asking the barkeeper to grab him a drink. I take a sip of my soda and set my glass down. I look over to see that Harry is looking at me. He laughs at me since he scared the crap out of me. "Sorry Niall" I shake my head and look down at my drink. "It's all good mate" I say finishing my soda. The barkeeper seems to see that I have finished my drink and takes it, asking if I want another one. "No thanks" I say nicely to the barkeeper. She walks away doing her job. I look over and see that Harry is gone in the crowd somewhere, I sigh and get up to look for him. I wander around looking, but I don't see him anywhere. I see Liam sitting at a table with a girl on his lap. I walk over and tap on his shoulder. "Hey Liam!" I yell to him over the music that's playing. "Oh, hey Niall, how's it going?" He asks me. Wow, I'm looking for Harry for gods sake. He's probably drunk by now, I thought that Liam was hanging around with Louis. "Good, hey um actually, have you seen Harry anywhere? And also where's Louis?" I yell over the music once again. He shrugs and goes back to talking to the girl that was on his lap. Wow, thanks for helping me out. "Thanks" I say to myself quietly. I walk upstairs and go towards the bathroom and knock on it. I don't hear anything so I open the door to find Harry on Louis's lap, them to making out. I knew it! Harry is drunk, Louis is drunk. Ugh! I think Harry saw me along with Louis. I run down the stairs and out of the place. I run all the way to a Allie in between two buildings. I lean against the wall slide down, hugging my knees close to me. I start to cry, because I've been hiding something that I can't even bother to tell anyone. I have a crush on Harry styles, Harry freaking styles. I'm a crying mess. I sniff a bit and try to wipe away the tears only to have more coming down my face. I can't stop crying, why the fuck am I crying! He's drunk for gods sake! I sigh with and shiver noticing that it's cold out a bit, but I'll be fine. I hear my phone buzzing and I get it out of my pocket seeing that it's Liam. I answer it. "Niall?!" I hear him say. "Y-ya?" I ask since I'm sitting here crying my eyes out and shivering my ass off right now. "Where are you? Where'd you go?" I sigh and just give up, I cry some more but into the phone. I end up sniffling and wiping my eyes a bit. "Niall? What's wrong?!" I hear him say again. "Just- just please come and get me, I'll explain later" I tell him, letting out a little sob. "Alright Niall, be there soon" he says and I hang up, letting out a big sob and cry some more. Why does Harry have to be like that, in mean, every time we go to a party, he usually stays sober. But this time he has to get drunk and start making out with Louis. "Niall?" I look up and see that Liam found me and he's walking over with the girl that was with him at the party. "C'mon Niall, let's go" he says in a soft, sweet tone. He helps me up and hands me a jacket he had in his car. "Thanks Liam" I say to him. He nods and leads me to his vehicle. I get in along with him and the girl he was with. I'm not gonna lie, she is pretty. "My name is Alyssa, by the way" she said looking at me from the front, while Liam is driving us back home. Good thing that Liam stayed sober this time. "Hello Alyssa" I say looking back at her and giving her a small smile. "So, Niall right?" She asks me, and I give her a nod. "That's a cool name, I like it and it suits you" she said and I smile at her. "Thanks, I like your name to" I tell her. She smiles back at me looks back up at the front. I sigh and look out the window. I pulled out my phone to see that I got a text from Harry. I could feel that the tears wanted to escape but refuse to let them fall. Liam looks through the review mirror at me and sees that I look upset. "Niall, are you ok?" He asks me. I shake my head and say that I'm fine, but really I'm not. I've liked Harry for awhile now. I just never got the courage to tell him since he's always hanging out with Louis or something. "Niall, I know your not ok, you can tell me and you know that" Liam said. I nod and tell him that I know I could tell him Anything. We finally reached the house and I get out and run inside going to my room. I lay on my bed and let the tears fall, I can't believe he would do that! He's probably fucking with Louis by now. Which makes me cry even harder. I hear a knock on my door and I lay here just crying, I love him to much! Fuck, I should have told Harry I liked him when I got the chance. "Niall?" I hear someone say. It's girls voice so I'm pretty sure it's Alyssa. I let out a little sob and sit up trying to wipe the tears, but they just keep falling. Alyssa walks over and sits next to me. "Hi Alyssa" I say quietly. I pull my knees in towards me and hug them close, laying my head on my knees sniffling. "Alyssa?" I ask as she has her arm around me and giving me a little back rub. "Yea Niall?" She wipes away a tear that has fallen that I haven't noticed that fell. "Can I tell you something?" I ask looking at her. "Anything Niall, what is it?" My chest starts to hurt and I let out a little cry, afraid that she's gonna laugh at me and tell me that I'm gross, and disgusting. "Shhh, it's ok Niall, I won't laugh or anything" she says. "Swear you won't laugh" I tell her putting my face in my knees letting even more tears fall. "I won't laugh" she tells me while rubbing my back a bit more and trying to move my hair away from my face. I look up at her but keep my head on my lap. "You know Harry right?" She nods, letting me go on. "I- I like Harry ok?" I look down and get ready for her tell me I'm disgusting and gross. "Awe, that's so cute, you have a crush on Harry? That's adorable" she says. I look up with tears running down my face a little, not as bad as before. I'm shocked that she's not telling me that I'm gross and stuff. "Don't tell anyone, please?" I tell looking at her. "I won't tell anyone, but that is cute though" she said moving some hair out of my face. I smile at her and put my head on her shoulder. Sure she's with Liam, but I could use a good friend right now. "Thanks Alyssa" I say quietly. "Your welcome Niall, would you like some tea or something?" She asks looking at me. I nod as she gets up telling me she will be right back. When she walks out I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face since I've been crying for awhile. After I do that, I walk out and lay back down on my bed and curl up in a ball, waiting for Alyssa to come back with tea. I hear my phone buzz, so I sigh and sit up and reach for it. I see that it's Harry trying to call me. I hit ignore on my phone and put it next to me on the bed. A few minutes later there's a knock on my door. I look at my door and see that Alyssa came back with tea. I lay my head back down and run my hand through my hair. "Hey Niall" she says walking towards me with two glasses, probably one for her. I sit up and smile at her. "Thanks" I say as she hands me my cup of tea. I take it, and take a sip of my tea. "Your welcome" she said and smiled at me, and me giving her one back. "Where's liam?" I ask. She chuckles a little and me laughing a bit. "He's downstairs with Harry, he came back awhile ago, I think Liam told him to stay Down there since you don't want to see him right now" I nod and look down at my drink and take a sip of it. "Alright" we both end up finishing our tea and talk for awhile, and have a few laughs. She is pretty to be honest, she has long blonde hair and brown eyes. But I don't want to do anything so I don't make Liam mad or upset. Alyssa tells me that she's gonna head downstairs and that if I need anything she will be downstairs. I nod and tell her thank you and that she's been a good friend to me. She giggles a bit and leaves, leaving me alone in my room. After awhile, I lay back down and start to close my eyes. A few minutes has past and I got a little bit of sleep, which is good. I yawn a bit and sit up in my bed. I walk out my room and walk half way down the stairs and see that Harry is here, I take a deep breath and head the rest of the way down. "Niall?" I hear Harry say. "J-just leave it Harry" I tell him, but he doesn't listen and try to grab my wrist causing me to pull it away. "I said to leave it harry" I said and walk to the kitchen seeing Alyssa and Liam talking. "Hey Li, hi Alyssa" I say as I grab a bowl of cereal. "Hey Niall" they say back with a smile on there faces. I sit with them eating my cereal. Harry walks over to me and sits next to me. "Niall, please talk to me" I sigh and look at him but look back at my cereal finishing up. It's weird being in the same room with someone that you have a crush or had a crush on. I mean I still do, but he was making out with Louis. How can I like him after he did that? This entire time I was thinking, I heard Liam and Alyssa talking with Harry. I get up and put my bowl in the sink. Harry got up as well to try and follow me. After I turn around to go to the living room, he's right in front of me. "Please move Harry" I say looking at him. "I wanna talk to you, please Niall?" I sigh and move his arm so I can go to the living room. "You just did" I tell him. He walks over and sits next to me again. Alyssa and Liam walk over to the other couch and look at me and Harry. "Hey Niall?" I hear Liam say to me. I look at him. "Yea Li?" I ask. "I think maybe you should give him a chance to talk to you" he says while looking at me and Harry again. Liam puts his hand on Alyssa's and she nods, agreeing with Liam. I look at Harry and he smiles a small smile. His eyes are really green today, and his hair is curly, just the way I like it. I love him but, I don't know how to tell him that. "Please Niall?" He asks quietly. I sigh giving up. "Alright, sure" I shake my head a little. "One chance, that's it but if you screw it up, I don't know how I would forgive you" I tell him. Liam, Alyssa, and Harry smile at me. "Alright, um.....well leave you two alone then ok?" Alyssa said and I gave her a nod as Liam and Alyssa walk back the kitchen and talk some more, or to make out or something. "Niall, look I'm so sorry for what I did" Harry says as he put his hand on my hand. I smile a little at the thought of us holding hands. "Its- Harry, I um-" I stop talking and pull my hand away from his. "Niall?" He asks. "Let me try something" he says and I look down and nod a bit. He lifts my chin up with his first to fingers and gives me a smile. He leans in and kisses me softly. I kiss back, and lean into him a bit. He puts his hand on my cheek and I put my hand on his neck. His kiss is so softly and sweet, I love him but I don't know if he loves me back. I pull away and look at him. He looks back at me and smiles. "Can I say that I love you Niall?" I smile wide at him and nod. "I love you to Harry" I say quietly. "Lets go to your room yea?" He asks as I nod at him. Next thing I know is that we're in my room laying next to each other and smiling at one another. "Your eyes are so green Harry" I love his eyes. I love everything about him to be honest. He chuckles and kisses my cheek. I giggle a little at him as he puts his arm around me and pulls me close. I look at him and he looks back at me and he leans in to kiss me. I kiss back of course, he's so cute and adorable. He's the one that pulls away this time and asks me if want to watch a movie and I say yes. During the movie I cuddle up to him and he pulls me close again kissing my head. The next thing I know is that I'm falling asleep in his arms, him holding me. I love Harry styles.

Hey guys! OMG!!!! I felt so bad to what i did to Niall in this!!!! Omfg!!!! But I worked on this practically all day and I'm finally publishing it! Yay!!!! I think I did a good job with it. Also plz leave a comment and vote for this. I love you my lovelies 😊😊😁😁❤️❤️💯✌🏼 (word count: 2660)

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