Her First Smile

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No One's POV

After flying away from the scene, Akira felt that he had to go back. So, Akira immediately turned around and flew back to where Gentle, La Brava, and the other heroes were, only to see that Hound Dog and Ectoplasm clones surrounded them. Hound Dog and the Ectoplasm clones then looked over and saw Akira and how beat up he was.

Gentle: I have committed many crimes up until now... but my greatest crime was to kidnap and brainwash an innocent girl. Giving myself a nice-sounding reason for my self-interest, I've lived this whole time for myself. All the blame lies on me. So please, pardon Manami Aiba.

La Brava then held onto Gentle, crying her eyes out, as Ectoplasm spoke up.

Ectoplasm: What about your injuries?

Hound Dog: Were you fighting?

Akira just sighed as he started to speak up.

Akira: I realized that he was going to do some stupid prank on U.A., so we had a bit of a disagreement. But, I've handled it myself.

Just then, Ectoplasm got a phone call from Snipes, asking for a report, to which Hound Dog took it.

Hound Dog: Some video streamer who was being a nuisance want to turn himself in.

Snipes: What the heck?

Hound Dog: I don't get it either!

Hound Dog then tossed to phone back to Ectoplasm

Ectoplasm: Anyway, this is not an emergency. Please continue to be vigilant.

Hound Dog: You can tell us more at the police station!

Hound Dog and an Ectoplasm clone then went to take Gentle and La Brava to the police station. Suddenly, Gentle spoke one more time.

Gentle: Akira Ryugasaki... I was once in the hero course at school, too. Gentle Criminal is the mere shadow of someone who was once a hero dropout. I'm in no position to say this, but I hope your feelings reach those you want them to reach.

Akira watched as Gentle and La Brava being taken away. Just then Ectoplasm spoke up.

Ectoplasm: All Might and your friends were worried about you.

Akira: Yeah, I thought as much.

Akira says as he takes out his phone and looks at all the missed calls he had from All Might, Izuku, and Mina, making him sigh.

Ectoplasm: Class A's performance starts at 10, right? Right now, it's 9:16... 9:17. Well, from here, you can get to school in five or six minu--

Akira: Uh, hold that thought. I left the bag of things I came out to buy before the show. Give me a sec.

Akira then grew out his wings and activated Burning Blitz in order to get the bag he left near the hardware store. After getting the bag and meeting back up with Ectoplasm, the two of them then made their way back to U.A. Everyone else was getting ready in 15 minutes, still wondering where Akira was.

Aizawa: Ryugasaki's not back yet?

Sero: Why's that guy taking so long to buy one thing?

Hagakure: Jeez!

Back with Akira, he and Ectoplasm made it back to the U.A. entrance, meeting Aoyama there as well.

Aoyama: Ryugasaki, you're late!

Akira: Sorry about that, Aoyama!

Aoyama: Why are you so beat up?

Akira: I fell down some stairs!

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