29 - airport

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Remember to comment babies :)

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Remember to comment babies :)
Carter's Pov

I wake up from a nightmare to see Mila kneeling down beside our bed, shaking my shoulder and rubbing her hand across my forehead.

"It's just a nightmare." She says quietly, climbing in beside me and sitting up against the headboard.

"Did I wake you?" I ask while she starts to type on her phone, refreshing some news page. She shakes her head, not looking at me for even a second.

"Our parents weren't quick enough...people got ahold of that tape." She slowly turns her phone towards me and puts her head in her hands.

"Just scroll." I hear her mumble, so I do. And I wish I hadn't.

Vile. Disgusting. Embarrassing. Gross. Repulsive. Horrific. Awful. Appalling.
Scandalous. Them words were only a tiny summary of what was said in these headlines.

I couldn't even bring myself to click on the actual articles themselves. I'd smash the damn phone before she could blink.

There is even a couple pieces on our outing yesterday.

'Emilia Violet looking worse for wear after bearing it all just yesterday to the nation, while she takes a trip with rumored new fling.'

Fling? Seriously?

It's Mila and I, her face is bright as she's pictured staring up at the library we visited, and then there's me. Looking down at her like a lovesick idiot. We are both in my old tracksuits and neither of us have our hair styled.

To most people? This photo would be thrown out by now, but I would rather frame it. It's so rare to see her smile, that I like to savior each and every one.

Plus, in this photo, her guard is down and she's smiling at me. No one else, she can claim to have loved other people, but she's never looked at anyone else the way she looks at me, I'm positive of that.

She groans beside me, wiping the tears from beneath her eyes. "Why do they do this to me? What have I ever done to them?"

"Nothing, love, they're just shitty people with shitty lives." I try my best to reassure her, but my efforts go unnoticed as she fidgets with the initial 'C' necklace I gave her.

"I just want them to leave me alone, please." More tears fall from her eyes before I take the phone off of her and place it on my nightstand.

"How long have you been looking at these articles?" When I ask, she shrugs in response.

My hand grips her waist as I carefully lie back down again with an arm around her shoulder. She drapes her leg across mine as if that's totally natural, and so we lie exactly like that.

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