14//: Louis - You get sick at his house

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Y/N's pov:

I woke up with a pain in my stomach. I knew it would be a rough day. But I couldn't get sick today. Louis wanted to visit his family after months and I couldn't mess it up. He would be so sad.

"Good morning, princess!", Louis shouted.

"Morning.", I faked a smile.

"Are you okay?", Louis asked worried and sat down on the edge of our bed. He knew me too well.
Then he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

Louis looked weird at me. Then he put his hand on my forehead.

"Darling, I think you've got a fever.", he said.
Oh no... He would notice that I didn't feel good.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Should I call my mom that we will come at some other time?", Louis asked.

"No, no. It's okay. We can visit your family. I'm okay.", I said.
Louis hadn't seen his family for a almost 7 months because of the One Direction tour. I didn't want to mess it up. He missed his family so much.

"Are you sure?", Louis asked.
I nodded. Then I got up and went to the bathroom. Louis just looked after me.

I got dressed and then I went downstairs where Louis sat at the table and ate his toast.

"Wanna eat something?", he asked affectionate.

"No, thanks.", I smiled.

"Oh honey...", Louis groaned.
I didn't answer. I just sat down on the sofa because I felt a bit dizzy.

Louis looked worried at me.
I tried to ignore it because I hated it when he was worried, worried about me.

Louis finished breakfast and after that he lugged our suitcases into the car.
Then I put my shoes on and together we left the house. Louis locked the door and we got into the car.

Louis started the car and drove on the street.
I felt my stomach saying 'You really want that I freak out?'
I couldn't throw up now. Louis would hate me. But I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Louis, please! Drive on the side, please!", I shouted.

Louis didn't ask why. He drove on the side of the street. I got out of the car and threw up into the grass.
Louis held me and rubbed my back.

"Oh baby... You're done?", he asked.
I nodded.

Louis went to the car and he helped me to get in. He decided that I should lie down on the back seats.

After I lay down, Louis continued to drive.
I soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, I lay in a bed. It was Louis' old bed in the house of his family.

I decided to get up and say 'Hello' to Lou's family. I already knew them but it's impolite not to say 'Hello'.

I went downstairs and there Louis and his whole family sat there. So his sisters Lottie, Phoebe and Daisy and his stepdad Mark.
When Louis saw me, he stood up and gave me a hug.

"You alright?", he whispered into my ear.
I nodded.

I quickly said "Hello everyone." and followed Lou to the kitchen.
There, Johannah was standing and making tea.

"Hey Y/N. Louis told me, you don't feel good?", she said.

"Yeah, but it's better now.", I said and smiled.

"But you still look a bit sick.", Louis interfered.

"No, I'm good.", I lied.
But then suddenly my legs gave way and I collapsed.
Louis couldn't react fast enough, so I hit my head on the ground of the kitchen.

Louis' pov:

"No, I'm good.", Y/N said after I told her that she still looked sick.

But suddenly she collapsed. Her legs gave way and I couldn't react. So she hit her head on the ground of our kitchen.

My mom quickly went to her.

"Y/N??", she asked.

But Y/N wasn't long unconscious for long. Just 4 or 5 seconds. Then she opened her eyes again. Her head was bleeding.

"Carry her to your bed, Louis. I will get my first aid kit.", my mom said.
I nodded and carried Y/N to my old bed. There I lay her down. She was very sleepy but she didn't faint anymore.

"Baby? Are you alright?", I asked.
But she didn't answer. Then my mom came.
She looked at her laceration and put a band aid on it after she cleaned it.

Then she measured Y/N's blood pressure and her heart rate.

"Her blood pressure is too low.", Jay said to me. "That's why she collapsed, I guess.", she added.

"Are you feeling okay now, honey?", Jay asked

"I'm good.", she said.
She wasn't that pale anymore.

"Does something hurt?", my mom asked her.

"Just my head and my stomach.", she replied.

"Boo Bear? You said she threw up before?", my mom asked me now. My cheeks turned red because she called me by my nickname.

"Yeah. On the drive. She threw up into the grass.", I said and nodded.

"I guess she has an infection in her stomach.", Jay said.

"She should rest.", my mom said and took her first aid kit and went away.

I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Sleep a bit, babe. You need it.", I said and stroke her head until she fell asleep. Then I went downstairs again.

*2 days later*

Y/N was better off now. She rested a lot and I stayed by her side. Sometimes all night when she was in such severe pain.
Y/N threw up a lot but now it was all good :))

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