28//: Louis - Scared to go to the doctor

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Harry's pov:

We had a 3 months break from all. We weren't on tour, we didn't have to produce tons of songs in a row or do any interviews. But Louis didn't seem to take the break that well... He has been sick for 2 weeks already. The migraine didn't want to go and Liam and I thought about going to a doctor because that wasn't normal at all....

Louis lay on the sofa and tried to come over the pain and forget about it. He didn't eat for days and even drinking something was very exhausting for him.

"We really need to see a doctor, Liam. I can't see him like that.", I whispered.
Liam nodded.

I went to the sofa and sat down on the edge of it.

"Lou Boo?", I asked to get Louis' attention.

"Yeah? What's up?", he asked and looked with tired eyes in mine.

"We need to see a doctor. It's not normal that you lie here for weeks with migraine and it doesn't get better at all.", I said.
But I didn't know what my two sentences would trigger in Louis.

"NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, HARRY!!!!", he shouted and I saw his last power left him.

"Why not?", I asked confused. "You're really sick. And please don't yell at me.", I added.

"No, no, it's really not that bad, Harry! I promise! I will be fine.", Louis said in a calmer tone.

"Why don't you wanna see a doctor? I mean, you're really sick. You can't deny that.", I said to Louis. I wondered why he didn't wanna go to a doctor.

"I really don't wanna go, Haz.", Louis tilted his head back.

"Why not, Louis? Why?", I wanted to know. "Are you scared or something?", I added.
Louis looked down at his hands in embarrassment.


"Yeah?", Louis looked up. His eyes scanned the living room just so he wouldn't have to look me in the eyes.

"Are you scared of going to the doctor? You really can tell me. I won't judge you.", I asked.
Louis slowly nodded.

"Why?", I asked for more details.

"It doesn't matter.", Louis just said. He probably hoped I would stop asking him about it.
"Harry, I'm really tired. Can we talk about it later?", Louis added.

"Well then... But we will go to the doctor tomorrow.", I mumbled and stood up from the sofa.
Louis just shook his head but put his hand on his forehead after it. It probably wasn't his best idea to shook his head because of the headache...

I went to Liam, who had earlier retired to the bathroom.

"And? What did he say?", he immediately asked after I entered the bathroom.
I sat down on the edge of the bathtub.

"He doesn't wanna say why he's scared. I didn't wanna annoy him any longer. After all, he's not doing well...", I explained.

"Should I talk to him?", Liam asked and continued to shave his nonexistent three days beard.

"I don't know if you can wake up the right brain cells...", I replied.
Liam laughed. "Your jokes are so bad, Harry."

"You didn't say that- My jokes are the best.", I laughed.

"Of course they are... But sometimes just not in the right moment.", Liam said.

"But you laughed.", I smirked.

"Harry...!", Liam rolled his eyes but then we both had to laugh.

"But I think we really should see a doctor tomorrow, Haz. What do you think?", Liam said and looked at me questioningly.

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