Chapter 1

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It was a calm night, the bar almost empty because of the heavy rain outside. Yok sent most of the guys home hours ago as she left too, only leaving Porsche to manage the bar. Not like he had much to do as only two regulars were talking in the corner while they were nursing their drinks. Porsche was just wiping all the glasses the second time while trying to keep himself awake when the door opened and slammed. He turned his head and watched as the curtains were parted and a man walked in.

He was wearing black boots and pants, his shirt sticking to his muscled chest under his leather jacket, his hair dripping water on his shoulders as he swiped through his wet locks to push some of it out of his face. He was wearing dark aviator glasses despite the dim light. Porsche saw how he turned his head around slowly, before stepping up to the bar and sitting down on one of the chairs before Porsche.

He put his slim wallet, his keychain and his phone on the bar top and removed his glasses to hang it from the front of his shirt. He looked younger than Porsche but his eyes were cold and confident as he looked at him.

"Give me a Sazerac."

His voice matched his demeanour, it was deep and cold, like a man's that was used to being obeyed. Porsche's eyes moved around his face. At his predator-like dark eyes, the high cheekbones, the smooth fair skin that didn't even carry a hint of stubble even if it was marred with some reddening bruises.

"Are you even old enough to be here, kid?" Porsche lifted his brow, while leaning on the bar.

"Are you old enough to work here, kid?" asked the other with an amused tilt of his lips.

"As of last year, yes." Porsche just winked at him.


The man tapped his fingers on the bartop while turning his head a little and lifting his brows, clearly waiting for something. He frowned when Porsche just continued to look at him without moving.

"My drink?" he asked improvingly.

"Your ID?" responded Porsche right away.

"Are you fucking with me?" grunted the man in english, sounding both entertained and annoyed. He huffed then continued in Thai "I have never been ID-ed in my life."

"Well you clearly should have been, maybe you would have lost some of this attitude."

Porsche smiled widely just to enjoy how the other's face twitched in annoyance. He reached for his wallet and pulled out a thousand baht note, putting it between them. Porsche's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he schooled his face and looked at the other again, frowning at his amusement.

"How nice of you to tip before even getting a drink." he put his finger on the bill but didn't move it. "It's a nice tip even, only missing an ID card next to it."

The man glared at him before glancing towards the entrance. The sound of the heavy storm could be heard even through the walls and the music played in the background. In the end he seemed to decide against leaving as he grabbed his wallet and pulled out his ID card holding it up before Porsche, his fingers almost completely covering his name. Porsche just rolled his eyes at him as he glanced at the date of birth in the middle then at the photo on the right side. His mouth twitched as he saw that the address belonged to the poshest district of the city.

"Legal to drink since last month!" Porsche smiled with half closed eyes "And now you earned yourself that Sazerac."

He prepared the drink with efficiency, not really bothering to put on a show before sliding the glass before the other, watching as he grabbed it and downed it in a smooth move, grimacing as it slid down his throat.

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