Chapter 8

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Vegas glanced around the hall where the fundraising organised by the main family took place, trying to keep the boredom off his face. He never understood how people could enjoy wasting away their life mingling around their brainless peers and havint chit-chats about stupid topics. He would rather stay at home and receive updates only about important matters but he guessed there must have been a reason for everything even in this case it was just standing around and posturing.

Porsche was leaning at the wall sipping from a glass of champagne while looking around. He looked like he was enjoying the drink in his hand but Vegas knew that it was the same glass he got in the beginning of the event and the level of liquid didn't even change in it for the whole night. He was turning to join his friend when a man walked up to him with a smile on his face.

"Khun Vegas, I would like to speak to you if you would spare me a little of your time."

Vegas looked at him, trying to recall why he found the man familiar. He must have seen him somewhere but he couldn't remember where. He was older than him but younger than his father, taller than Vegas by almost a head and had a short and flat nose. With that and his black eyes and black hair Vegas was almost sure that he was of Han descent.

The man waited politely for the younger to nod before continuing.

"There is a rumour that your past endeavours were more profitable than anyone would have thought. I was wondering if you were interested to invest your gains... in a future that is let's say... more suitable to you."

Vegas looked at him, a little annoyed that the man bought up a topic like this in the middle of an event. He knew that his expression grew cold when the other tensed up and took a sip from his drink to mask his nervousness.

"Would I be interested in changing the current balance, " started Vegas in an even voice " I would do it on my own. I don't see why I should bet on an unknown investment."

"Isn't it alway better to have multiple opinions?" the man's little smile irked Vegas "The wind is already changing and it would be too late to make decisions when standing in a storm."

"We are always standing in a storm." retorted the younger, eager to get out of this stupid conversation "We are just strong enough to not notice much of it. It is how old strong families tend to be."

"Ah yes, I agree. Old, strong families led by one strong hand are always sailing over any kind of storm."

The man nodded, his earlier nervousness replaced by a self assured smile. He downed his drink then lifted his empty glass in a toast before walking away. Vegas followed his retreating form with a cold, calm gaze before he reached into his pocket and pulled out an earbud to place it into his ear and tap it.

"Figure out who this man was."

"Yes, sir."

He removed the earbud as soon as he received the confirmation, sliding it back to his pocket. The whole movement from the point he took it out, placed it in his ear and removed it looked like he was just fixing the side of his hair.

He was still thinking about the conversation when Porsche stepped up next to him and placed his palm on his side, making him turn a little towards the sliding doors leaning to the balcony.

"I want to show you something strange." Porsche's voice was tense as he started to move towards the doors.

Vegas followed him without question, frowning as after exiting the hall his friend leaned on the railing while looking a little further away.

"Do you see anything unusual?"

The younger was a little annoyed by the question after the discussion he just had but in the end he turned the way the other was pointing with his champagne glass. He saw some men having an illicit smoke despite the sign against it not far from them. A couple leaning into each other in the corner and a somewhat familiar looking form of a man heavily leaning against a woman as they slowly walked towards the other end of the long balcony.

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