Chapter 10

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Chay lifted his head when he heard the timer go off on his phone. He stopped it while putting down his pencil and standing up, stretching a little. He tilted his head from side to side to try to loosen his cramped neck muscles a little bit while he padded out of his room towards the kitchen. He stopped only for a moment to glance towards the room next to his as he heard some thudding noises coming from it before hurrying to the oven and opening it to look at the tray inside.

He smiled when the aroma of vanilla and chocolate filled the air around him as he grabbed the silicone mittens from the counter and pulled out the tray to place it on the granite top of the kitchen island. He poked one of the slightly soft cookies, hastily pulling away his finger when a little piece of melted chocolate slightly burned him. He frowned and glanced up as he heard a loud thud from the middle room of the ground floor.

He walked over to the door and opened it, grimacing a little as the rhythmic thudding of the electric music washed over him, it was so strong that it almost felt like a physical hit. He glanced around and walked over to the bars when he saw the familiar form.

Macau was doing chin ups wearing only his shorts and a wide belt around his waist that held the extra weights he used for his training. Chay reached to the bench next to him and touched the screen on his unlocked phone to lower the volume a little bit.

"I'm... almost...done..." Macau said between each pull up.

"I thought you said you have a class in the afternoon." Chay watched as the muscles moved on the other's back, fighting against the slight urge to pull on the belt around his waist and see how much more weight he could handle.

"They... cancelled... it..."

Macau slowly lowered himself while paying attention to the weights hanging between his thighs. He leaned against the steel column holding the chin up bars to gather his breath a little after he stood on his legs once again. He glanced at Chay then unclasped the belt from his waist, dropping it on the floor without paying it any mind and grabbing the towel he prepared before he started his workout.

"Aren't you putting it away?" asked Chay as Macau started to stretch.

"Why, you gonna use them?" Macau lifted his brow with a little smile pointing his head at the weights.

Chay glanced over to see the ten kilogramm markers on each of the two discs and grimaced a little while thinking that he probably wouldn't be able to lift them, not to mention doing one pull up while wearing them. He never really understood why the other liked to torture himself with these kind of training sessions though he wouldn't say he didn't appreciated the view of Macau's muscular body.

"Did you want something from me?" asked Macau after the younger's continued silence.

"I was just curious who was here. Porsche is at the house to fix the lock the renters were complaining about and Vegas has been out since the morning."

They walked out from the training room Macau turning towards his room while he finished wiping down his neck and chest before he suddenly stopped and lifted his head as he smelled the sweet aroma in the air. He slowly turned his head like a dog searching for something then started to move towards the kitchen.

"You made chocolate chip cookies?" Macau was delighted to find the tray and he tried to grab one right away, only to drop it as it burned his fingertips.

"I just thought... you said that it's sad that none of us liked baking because we can't make fresh desserts like this..." Chay looked a little embarrassed.

"Are we sharing the kitchen now?" Macau winked as he got a fork to finally be able to move one of the cookies over to a plate.

"We should let them cool a little first." added the younger as he watched him burn his lips by stuffing it into his mouth.

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