Chapter 13

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Kinn waited at the entrance, a little annoyed that the older bodyguard who opened the door the first time didn't even let him in just asking for his name before closing the door. He reached down to take his sunglasses from where he hung them on the front of his shirt and put them on to protect his eyes from the sun and was just thinking about reaching for his phone and calling Porsche when the doors opened again.

He frowned as he saw his cousin looking down at him with a strange expression on his face. He was wearing a black oversized sleeveless shirt with black shorts and his hair was tied at the back of his skull. They looked at each other for a long moment before Vegas leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms.

"Are you here for Porsche?" asked Vegas.

"That too." Kinn grimaced a little "I have to talk to you about something."

Vegas uncrossed his arms and straightened looking thoughtful before he glanced behind his cousin's back at his bodyguards. His eyes slid over Pete but there was a long tense moment as he just stared down at Big, waiting until the other man glanced away first before turning his attention back to Kinn.

"Only one of your guards can come in and don't bring any weapons into my house." said Vegas.

"Technically the deed is in my father's name." commented Kinn with a smug face.

His cousin looked at him for a long moment before he stepped back and slammed the door. Kinn blinked, not understanding what happened then turned to the side as he heard some yelling and splashing. He looked at the guard that stood between the wall and the house with his hands on the automatic weapon hanging from his shoulder but the man just continued to stare into the distance next to Kinn's head. Still, he thought it was better not to try going around the house before he was even invited onto the property.

"Hey, listen here..." Kinn started to say while slowly turning his head back towards the entrance as he heard it being opened again only to stop as he saw the man standing there.

"I'm listening." said Porsche with a serious face "Apparently you want to come into your father's house."

"So he just ran to you to complain." Kinn sounded sullen as he risked the first step toward his boyfriend.

"He simply answered when I asked what happened." Porsche looked already fed up with this conversation "So are you going to leave your weapons and one of your men outside or is this gonna be a very short visit?"

Kinn put his hands on his hips while he looked at the other before he nodded and motioned behind himself. Big clearly wanted to argue but stopped when his boss raised a finger at him before pulling his gun out from the modified holster that he was wearing under his shirt and giving it to the man. Pete walked back to the car and opened the trunk to put his weapon inside then put his two butterfly knives - one from his pants pocket and the other from the inner lining of his suit jacket - into the trunk too before coming back to the entrance to stand behind Kinn.

"Are you gonna tap me down?" asked Kinn teasingly but Porsche just rolled his eyes at him before he turned to Big.

"You can wait at the staff housing if you want." said the man, pointing towards the northern part of the property even though nothing could be seen above the wall and the bamboo that was planted alongside it.

The bodyguard pulled a face at him and then resolutely stood his ground as Porsche opened the door wider to allow in the two men. He watched as his boyfriend glanced around curiously before following him as he started to walk down the corridor that led to an open area between the buildings.

"Are you searching for something?" asked Porsche after the other stopped again to look at the abstract painting on the wall opposite the study.

"I'm just curious how much you have changed since Tankhun remodelled the place."

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