Chapter 16

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Macau threw his towel on the sunbed then glanced to the other side of the pool where Porsche was sitting at the edge of the deck with his legs in the water while messaging someone on his phone. Based on the smitten smile on his face Macau knew just who it was. He rolled his eyes and turned to the side to see his brother finish another lap and turn for the next one. Ever since they moved in Vegas did his routine three times a week unless something extremely important happened. He always said that at least this way they had use of the pool outside of it being a general annoyance as it limited the routes that could be taken between the buildings and became a reflective mirror blinding everyone at certain times a day.

Besides all of the annoying things about the pool, Macau was still grateful that they had it as it was the only common thing that both pairs of brothers equally enjoyed. During the last years they spent many hours cooling themselves in the water while speaking about their days. It was a more peaceful environment than spending time in the living room where their attention was prone to stray after a while.

Macau watched as Porsche put his phone to the side and slid into the water gracefully to start his own laps. He started on a slower tempo then sped up when he got in line with Vegas. Macau smiled as he saw how his brother sped up too so they could swim in sync. He was thinking about joining them even if he could only swim behind as the pool wasn't wide enough for three adult men when he frowned and looked to the side realising that Chay still hadn't joined them.

He took his phone from his pocket and placed it under his towel to protect it from the sun then padded back to the living quarters and looked around. The younger man wasn't outside and his door was closed so Macau guessed that was where Chay was hiding. Years of living together made him not even think about it as he opened the door and walked inside only to stop as he saw the other.

Chay was standing before his standing mirror in his swimming trunks looking at himself with a strange expression on his face while he pushed his fingers into his stomach. Their eyes met for a moment in the mirror before Chay paled and hastily leaned down to grab his shirt from the floor and hold it up before himself as he turned towards Macau.

"The door was closed for a reason." muttered Chay, glancing away.

The older frowned at him as he walked closer until he could have easily touched the other if he wanted, but something in Chay's posture told him that the younger wouldn't have welcomed a touch right now.

"Did something happen?" asked Macau carefully.

"No, everything is alright." Chay smiled at him slightly.

"You know I won't pressure you if you don't want to talk about it." said Macau, his face serious "But based on the fact that you just lied to me there is something going on."

Porchay bit his lower lip as his expression slightly fell and he changed his arms on his chest so he was less holding the shirt in place and more hugging himself. He glanced to the side then to the older's face, his anxiety lessening as he took in the open, supportive way the man was looking at him while patiently waiting for him to talk. He felt bad about lying to his friend when he knew he could have just said that he didn't want to discuss his issues and the man would have respected his wishes. But now that Macau was here and already suspecting that something was up he felt more ready to open up to him.

"It's just..." Porchay squeezed his eyes shut before looking up at his friend "I wonder when I'm going to change."

"Change?" asked Macau, tilting his head a little, not really understanding what the other meant.

"Yes... all of the boys in the class are so tall and strong now, starting to grow stubble and everything... and I'm just..."

"We are almost the same height." Macau frowned a little "And you have a naturally slimmer body shape."

Wing of a ButterflyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora