Chapter 2

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Porsche thought their relationship would change after that but the only change that happened was that Duke sometimes came to his house for a beer or two and now stayed at the bar when he found a crowd instead turning around and leaving right away. And sometimes they included some random tibids about their brothers in their banters.

He still came late in the night, sometimes he still only sat silently in the corner nursing his drink and he still overtipped.

And it probably would have stayed like that if Porsche didn't choose to accompany Tem and Jom to the fancy bar in the centre to celebrate their successful exams. It was way out of their usual league but Porsche was a little grateful that no one seemed to recognise him from his job at least. The women around here appreciated his charms all the same even if he saw some of them frown at his clothes and his lack of jewellery.

It wasn't the women they should have been worried about. He noticed a group of friends watching them from their booth around an hour into their stay, their eyes harsh as they followed his movements, as he danced around with the girls and made them laugh and flirt with him.

"I think we have an issue." he whispered to Jom when they got a little bit closer between to songs, he pointed at the men watching them from the first floor "Looks like someone doesn't like us intruding on their territory."

"Forget it, Porsche." Jom just rolled his eyes. "They wouldn't start anything in this place."

Porsche couldn't help but stay tense, glancing from time to time at the booth, anticipating the fight that would surely come. But in the meanwhile he had his fun, dancing around with the women, letting their soft bodies grind against his, their sweet perfumes sinking into his clothes.

He separated himself from his friends after an hour or two, swaying along the edges of the dancefloor towards the end of the bar where he saw the corridor leading to the restroom. He was just stepping into it when a hand grabbed him by his elbow and stopped him. He straightened up, lifting his arms thinking that the guys from the booth cornered him only to widen his eyes in surprise when he saw the man before him.

Duke was wearing a deep red silk shirt instead of the casual henley that Porsche usually saw him in. His hair was gelled back out of his face making him look more harsh and older. He motioned at the muscled man behind his back when he started to come closer, making him stand back, giving them some space to talk.

"Not your usual haunt." said Duke, his voice just audible above the music.

"Is it yours?" Porsche put his hand on his chest with a mock affront "Are you cheating on me?"

Duke smirked then motioned with his head that he wanted the other to follow him. Porsche glanced towards the restrooms then grimaced, falling into step behind. They walked along a curving corridor to a room that had a private bar with a huge lounge and the wall full of windows showing the dancing people outside. Porsche looked at the windows remembering how strange he found the mirrors on the side of the dancefloor, but now he understood their purpose.

"Nice place." commented Porsche, looking at his friends through the one-way mirror "A little kinky."

Duke's smirk just grew at his comment, he looked more in his element here than at Yok's bare but somehow more tense too. Porsche couldn't help but think that even if the other enjoyed posing around in his expensive, showy clothes in this posh bar he looked happier leaning on the bartop at the other place.

"I guess you passed your exams then." Duke waved around them "Any luck with the girls here?"

"Like you weren't creeping on me through the glass." Porsche tapped at the window pointely.

Wing of a ButterflyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora