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Kinn sighed as he stepped out of the car, carefully closing the door behind himself. He nodded at the guard standing next to the driver's door, turning away and leaving the man to perform the usual after-use checks on the vehicle. The weather was still nice enough, even if it got a little darker from time to time as the sun was obscured by the gathering clouds, so he left the garage through the side door and chose to walk on the soft lush grass, instead of taking the covered walkway to the main building.

It wasn't the shortest walk. It usually wasn't with older properties where cars weren't yet invented when the space around the buildings was divided, but he didn't mind walking a little, enjoying the movement after the long meetings he had that afternoon. Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if Vegas had the right idea, and if he should have brought his gun to the meeting rooms with him just to put some fear into the attendees. That way they wouldn't be so eager to take up all of his time, stretching out briefings that were scheduled for thirty minutes for an hour.

He smiled at the idea, imagining what face the directors would make when he finally proved that the rumours about his family's dealings in Bangkok's underground were more than mere gossip. But on the other hand, Kinn was content to keep his darker urges away from his business meetings, keeping the two worlds separated. There was something refreshing about knowing that no matter how angry he made the directors or how much they argued, he would still arrive back to his family safe and sound.

"Hey, Kinn!"

He stopped, turning to the side and lifting his hand in greeting as Tay walked towards him with a binder in his hands. He was wearing loose white pants and a slightly oversized cream-coloured sleeveless shirt, his multiple earrings and rings glinting in the afternoon sun. He looked energetic and happy as he grinned at Kinn.

"I've come here for the second time now and Tankhun is out yet again." Tay rolled his eyes like he was annoyed. "I almost miss the days when he didn't dare to leave the house."

Kinn knew that he was joking. Even though it was sometimes a hassle to track down his errant brother, all of them did it happily, still remembering the days when Tankhun would lock himself into his rooms, losing himself in his series just to muffle his memories. Kinn never even dared to hope that his brother one day would lead his own life, attending meetings at the real estate company, planning events and showings at the properties they had for sale and running around the city with only Ace at his side.

"You could always wait for him." Kinn glanced at his watch. "They should finish at the old compound around now."

"Nah, I have a date I don't want to miss." Tay waved at him, slightly turning away to leave.

"I'm not sure you can still call them dates after five years," replied Kinn teasingly.

"Oh, my dear friend, just because the romance is gone from your life it doesn't mean we are all the same." Tay wiggled his brows. "I hear Vegas and Pete are still making their rounds around the restaurants of the city."

"I have plenty of romance in my life." Kinn smirked, thinking about last night. "And my cousin has to show his face if he doesn't want to become just a legendary boogie man."

After all, everyone who mattered in their circles knew Vegas but it was best to remind their allies and enemies that the man still existed, even if he preferred to control things from behind the scenes, letting Kinn be the head of their legal businesses and Kim to handle the illegal part of their legacy.

"Anyway. I'll come again tomorrow. I already sent a message to Khun but please remind him that I really need to talk about the new apartment complex in Sai Mai," said Tay before nodding at him and hastily walking away.

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