Chapter 17

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Chay lifted his gaze from the leftovers of his breakfast to Kinn, then to his brother, grimacing a little as he saw the fresh hickeys on his skin. He watched as Porsche put another grilled sausage on his boyfriend's plate only for the man to lift it and put it between his lips suggestively. He turned to the side and his eyes met Macau's, almost laughing as his friend looked just as nauseated by the display before them as Chay felt. He grinned at him while he rolled his eyes, smiling when the other man just huffed before he stood up and grabbed his plate, only to freeze as he glanced at his watch.

"Shit, Chay, don't you have that event at your school at nine?" asked Macau.

"I do," nodded the younger, while he put the last piece of his toasted bread into his mouth.

"It's eight thirty," commented Vegas from the end of the kitchen island, not even lifting his eyes from his tablet.

The youngest's eyes widened before he ran out of the kitchen and inside his room to change into his uniform, while Macau took his dress shirt from the back of the couch and finished buttoning it up. It only took a minute before Chay slid out of his room standing behind his brother, slightly out of breath.

"Can we take the Ducati so I won't be late?" asked Chay hopefully.

"Absolutely not," answered Porsche, before taking another bite.

"You can take the Harley," added Vegas.

He glanced up as he heard his friend put down his fork with a clink. The two older brothers looked at each other silently for a minute, while Kinn watched them, wondering if this would be the moment when he would finally see them argue about something, before Vegas just smirked and turned back to his tablet, while Porsche took a deep breath and turned towards the living room. He squinted his eyes and pointed at Macau to which the younger one just nodded while he grabbed Chay's arm and started to pull him towards the door.

Chay put his shoes on hurriedly, almost falling to the side before he waved as they stepped out of the building and started to run towards the garage. Porsche watched them go then he turned back to his boyfriend, noticing the frown on his face.


"I'm surprised you let it go that easily," said Kinn as he pushed away his plate.

"Well, Macau has experience with the Harley and it's better suited for two people." Porsche stood up and started to gather the plates and leftovers, putting everything away. "I just always forget that they aren't kids anymore." He turned towards the sink. "I bet you are the same with your brother."

Kinn grimaced as he thought about the fact that he couldn't even remember the last time he saw Kim, let alone had a meaningful conversation with him. He was always the loner of the family but he came around even less in the last months than ever before. Maybe it was time to ask one of his guards to check on him just to make sure he was alright.

He looked up as the door opened again and Pete walked in, fixing his suit so it would sit properly on his frame. It looked like he just woke up as his hair was still slightly tousled but he looked awake enough.

"Hey Pete, do you want to eat anything?" asked Porsche as he saw him come in.

"Maybe later, if it's alright," said the bodyguard looking at his boss before his eyes strayed to Vegas, straightening a little when he saw the man already watching him above his tablet. "Khun Vegas, with your permission, Big would like to come in to give an update."

"With his permission?" Kinn looked annoyed by the idea, but he held himself back as he turned to his cousin. "I thought we are doing this mission together as equals."

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