Chapter 4

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The Cambodian contact was a dark skinned older man with wrinkled face and greying hair. Mr. Chea had the friendly attitude of a visiting grandfather as he walked up to the mansion with a younger man at his shoulder and two guards at his back. He stopped before Vegas and smiled as the younger greeted him with a respectful Som Pas offering him a Wai in return.

Vegas motioned with his arm towards the building behind him and they walked in silence to the brightly lit study, leaving their guards behind. Vegas sat down in one of the armchairs and watched as Mr. Chea chose the couch instead of the other chair opposite of him. The reason behind this became clear when the younger man sat down next to him.

"My son Nisay." said Mr. Chea, his voice deep but a little unsure around the words."His english better."

"We were happy to hear that the family considers our deal important enough to appoint someone like you as the main contact, Mr. Vegas." said Nisay.

Vegas nodded at him, his eyes sliding over his form as the other leaned back a little to be able to unbutton his suit jacket, making him a little more comfortable. The blood relation was apparent between the two men from the form of their face and their deep brown, friendly looking eyes even if Nisay had a much fairer skin tone than his father. He looked a little older than Vegas, likely in his late twenties, his dark brown hair was shaved short at his temples and left a little bit longer at the top and he had wide, muscled shoulders.

"Is there anything you would like to review or change regarding the routes we presented to Mr. Korn?" asked Nisay.

"The stops we will be using up Bang Pakong I believe should be changed more frequently than we originally agreed on." Vegas leaned forward and opened the folder on the table to show the maps and photos of canals and side roads that he prepared for the meeting "It would also be better to unload at different sections of the river and move to road transport sooner. Lately the police started look a little more attentively into the boats and there don't have enough of them bribed yet."

Nisay turned to his father as he translated what they talked about. Mr. Chea nodded, then started to talk, pointing at different points on the map and pulling his finger along the coastline leading to Bangkok. His son asked some questions from him - likely to be sure that he understood everything correctly - before he turned back to Vegas.

"Father says that if our planned route has a chance to be compromised then we should only move one third of the drugs on it. The leftovers could be dropped into the ocean close to the coast for divers to collect them."

Vegas leaned forward as he thought about it, looking at the map again. He tilted his head before standing up and walking to the desk at the back of the room where he left some backup plans in case they needed them. He pulled out a map that covered a bigger area of the gulf than the one in the folder and placed it on the coffee table.

"Can the boats travel further along the coastline?" asked Vegas.

"Yes. Along the gulf. Not sea." said Mr. Chea, looking up at him.

"Then we should only drop another third for the divers and move the last part up Mae Klong, slowly dropping off the packages for drivers. They will need to come to the city from the west but we have some warehouses in those districts." said Vegas.

He leaned back in his chair, watching as the two men talked amongst each other Mr. Chea looking more and more pleased. He leaned back on the couch when they finished before pointing at Vegas and saying something else to his son with a smile on his face. The interaction made Vegas lift his brow questioningly at Nisay.

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