A Word From the Writer

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It all started with a Back to the Future marathon one summer when I was 17. The movie struck a chord in my heart, and a fierce question remained in my mind---what if I could go back thirty years like Marty did? Would I get along with my parents when they were my age? Would they think I was cool? I was pretty sure they would since I often felt like I was born in the wrong century. From that moment on, I was listening to old 80s rock music, tight rolling my jeans, and putting WAY too much hairspray in my already thick hair.

As much as I loved Back to the Future, I felt like an opportunity was missed when a sequel was not produced when 2015 rolled around. I completely understood Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale's desire to "leave good enough alone", but I still wonder if the Back to the Future ride at Universal Studios wouldn't have been desecrated by the so-called "Simpsons Land" if a BTTF IV had been made. So...I designed my own script for a possible sequel. However, I stayed true to Zemeckis and Gale's "no BTTF IV" policy and called this one Onward to the Past.

This is a purely non-profit fan fiction screenplay of what should have been released in theaters on October 21, 2015. I do not own any of the original characters from the Back to the Future franchise. However, all the new characters you will meet in this story are entirely mine---including Tiff Tannen. I actually came up with the name myself. I thought I was so clever...until I discovered she was already a non-canon character in the BTTF expanded universe. However, she was never made canon, so she hasn't been copywritten yet, and I currently claim her as my own. Besides, I've written lots of stories, and Tiff might just be my favorite character I've created so far.

All the artwork and music that appears before each chapter is mine, except for any lyrical songs. Please do not use them without permission. 

Now, remember..."Be excellent to each other, and party on, dude!"

Wait. That's not right.

"The future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one!"

Yeah, that's more like it! 

Enjoy your trip Onward to the Past!


The Gigawatt Geek

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