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Karina can only make a whisper-like voice while looking at her unconscious wife. There's blood on the younger girl's head and Karina's face frowns. Maybe because the view hurt her, or the pain hurt her in her leg.

Her leg was stuck under there.

At the last red light towards their home, a truck didn't manage to stop on time, lose control, and later hit their car from behind. As a result, the car spins ninety degrees and hit sideways. Gladly the car didn't flip, nor hit anyone or any vehicle around.


Karina called weakly while she heard the voice of crowds around them. But her only attention is on Winter, and soon enough Karina is herself unconscious.


When Winter woke up from her sleep, the first thing she saw was a white ceiling. The first thing she smelled was medicines smells. The first thing she feels is the pain in her head.

That's when she remembered that they'd got into an accident just now.

This must be a hospital.

Slowly turning her head to her right, all she can see is an empty bed. When she turned her head to the left, she saw Aeri talking to her phone and maybe that's the reason why she didn't realize that Winter is finally awake.

"Aeri...", she called and Aeri's eyes widen in shock. The older girl turned her head to face Winter and Winter was looking at her with an unsure expression. Are hang up the phone call immediately after saying bye and walked toward Winter.

"Your mom called just now. Are you alright?", her cousin said and Winter could only show her her little smile, assuring the girl that she was fine.

"Just a little sting on my head"

"I'm so worried for both of you! Thank god that Karina's phone saved my phone number as"


Karina was also involved in the accident. How can Winter forget about that simple fact? But her wife wasn't around and Winter don't know about her whereabouts after the incident. Suddenly it felt so hard to breathe, and her heart felt like sinking deep.

"Where's... Karina?", she asked.

Are just giving her a look.

"Aeri. Tell me. Where is she?"

Aeri sighed heavily as she held one of her cousin's hands tightly. Looking Winter straight into her eyes with her assuring smile, all Aeri can do is just tell Winter that her wife will be fine, soon.

"Her leg is broken. She's under surgery right now, and Ningning was there with her", Aeri answered.

Now it's really hard for Winter to breathe. Her eyes felt so teary but Winter didn't want to show it to Aeri.

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