Chapter 5

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I heard a knock on the door and I thought it was somebody coming to lead me off. I opened the door, expecting anyone but Maxon.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Maxon opened his mouth to say something, but he cocked his head a little to the left and closed his mouth. I raised my suspicions, but let him into my room.

"I just need to get away... I guess."

He replied matter-of-factly. His behavior is a little different today, he seems lost in his own world and has a distant look in his eyes. He sat down on the bed, sighed and shook his head.

"I can't believe I'm king."

"I can't believe you're marrying a Five."

I regretted the words once it came out. Maxon glared at me, not with his dull look anymore. He rolled his eyes and said,

"Well if you have a problem with your future queen being a Five, its a good thing I'm dissolving the castes."

He said angrily. Just when he was going to storm out, I stopped him by pulling on his sleeve and said

"You can't do that!"

Maxon grunted and stormed out the door. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I wiped them with the back of my hand. 

When a butler came in my room dismiss me, I suddenly was hit by nostalgia. I nodded at the butler, straightened my dress, and left my spacious, now vacant room. I looked both ways into the hall, just to see America coming down the hall. She smiled and greeted me, but she walked past me as if she was in a rush. I shrugged it off, and went down the hall near the stairs to the main floor. The big palace doors are open with multiple palace guards each on one door. There was flashing of cameras and yelling of people trying to get a few words out of me. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see America, smiling. A little part of me sinks, for I wanted Maxon where America is standing. I look around to see if Maxon is around, but I don't see him anywhere.

"Where's Maxon?"

I ask. America simply says,

"He's coming."

I roll my eyes, and sit at the bottom of the stairs. In a few minutes, Maxon rushes down the stairs. He meets my eye, nods with respect, and continues walking. I chase after him.

"Maxon! I'm sorry!"

Maxon said,

"It's fine."

It didn't sound very sincere, but I was all right with it. I followed Maxon outside the doors, posing and smiling for some cameras and occasionally answering random questions asked throughout the crowd. I made my way towards the limousine. I turned, my back towards my ride, and waved. Before I got in, Maxon took my hand and kissed the back of it. I got into the car, and headed off to the airport. I look back after a few minutes and I see bright flashing of the cameras and a big structure.

I am almost home.

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