Chapter 14

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I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around.
"Does this hat look weird on me?
I'm faced with a person who I've never seen before.
"Ohh... I thought you were... Never mind. Anyway, mindless of who you are, does this look weird on me?"
I'm honestly offended at his words.
"Do you not recognize me? I'm Kriss, one of Maxon's top two?"
"Yeah I know you. My girlfriend always talks about you. But does this hat look good or weird on me?"
"Honestly it looks weird. Who's your girlfriend?"
"Gah! I accidentally shaved the middle of my head and now I'm panicking! What I do!"
Threw in a HIMYM reference. Lol.
"That hat is going to be the reason why I die. It's the epitome of terrible hats."
I say, trying not to be proud of the word I used. He rolls his eyes, not really caring of what I said.
"Who is your girlfriend?"
"Oh. Fiona."
She has a significant other? I wouldn't be able to be friends with her, let alone date her. There's a sigh next to me and I see Tiny, I guess trying to get my attention. She spreads out her dress in front of her and smiles at me.
"Wow. I was rooting both of you in the Elite after Marlee was eliminated. I can't believe it's over."
"Me neither."
I say, trying to cover my sadness.
"So have you found a person yet?"
"No, I kind of just came back?"
I smile weakly.
"Right. Hopefully you find one soon. I'm really happy now, and I'm trying to erase my Selection background, slowly but surely."
"That's a good idea."
As the rows filled up, I became nervous for America. Maxon walked up to the front and bowed. I can practically feel the happiness, excitement and nervousness radiating off him. I also could feel the blushing of the girls in the front. I hear giggling too.
"You've had your chance, he's America's now."
I mutter. Tiny gives me a confused look and I explain everything to her. At the end, she says,
"At least they're not as bad as Celeste."
"CELESTE! Oh I miss her so much."
I was trying to avoid that name for a long time. Despite the things she did, I really liked her at the end. Of course only the last of the Elite knew her true self, everyone else just thought her as a sabotaging girl. (A Regina! Okay I'm making too many references to other things so that's my last one.)
"She was so mean! How could you like her?"
I didn't really know if I should tell her or not. In fact, I didn't really know if I wanted to tell her.
"It's an Elite thing."
She rolls her eyes and sighs.
"Oh my gosh I can see the girls in front of us blushing and hear giggling. Towards Maxon! That bothers me."
She agrees and I sigh in relief. I hoped that I didn't make her upset with that statement, and I guess she isn't.
"I wish I won."
The girl on the very left, sitting next to Fiona says. Of course, Olivia. She was the first person who was kissed by Maxon. I sigh. First kisses hit too close to home.

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