16• Reality

36 5 16

Author: Sizzling__Soul


We think that evil will win but we forget how the light will always dominate. Sometimes situations are not in our hands to deal with. Sometimes you are just a puppet of nature. And you keep going with what's going on and no matter how much you try it will resolve on its own time.

I was sitting on the chair in that police station and looking down at the floor. Thinking about what would have happened if I have met her in a whole different situation. If we would have been just a normal girl and a boy and fallen in love. I smiled sadly at that thought as the reality was in front of me. But my expression changed into an irritating one as all the stupid voices bombed in my head,

But still, she was revolving in my mind and maybe that was the only reason I was still calm. My mind was itching to recall that she was just in my arms yesterday and now...

I took a deep breath and looked up at the officer who was looking my way, like asking if I was coming or not. I had to use my sources to find her. Because the police would be taking much more time. I didn't know what police worked all day and just be that slow. I asked one of my friends who were in the top security forces of the world. It took him just one hour to find Hakan's whereabouts.

I confessed to myself that I was gone. Long gone for her. It was strange how strong I was feeling, how incredible her presence was. How good and calm I was feeling. Just because of her mere existence. Love surely was the strongest power in the universe. It overcomes everything and everyone around you.

I stood up putting my jacket on me and left the officer behind. Sitting in my car and starting the engine when Demir came and sat beside me.

"I never thought he will create this much mess."

"I thought, your thoughts on him were horrible from the start." My voice was rough as my jaws were clenched frustrated.

"But you are right. I never expected that from him. I anticipated many things from Hakan and even Esana but the mess they created is just a burden to our eyes. They both really deserved each other."  Demir could only node on his statement.

"And you! What was in her that you loved her while knowing everything?" I asked looking in Demir's way. I was still horrified of Demir loving Esana for so many years.

"Elders say love is blind my friend..." I could only show my distaste for that saying.

We were going towards the house where Neylan was. It was three hours ride from the city and I was driving as fast as I could. Two police cars were behind us. We were quite far when we stopped the cars on the roadside and walk on foot.

I took out my gun and forward one to Demir who was looking at me like I was a goner.

"What the hell! I never imagined you with a gun brother!" I could only press my lip as if he could only know how good I was at using it too.

"Take it and walk..." I spoke as I walked passed him.

We were in a forest near a small town Armutlu. Perfect place to hide and kidnap. There was an old factory where Hakan bought an apartment... Sources informed us that he bought that factory and made a good living place there. We entered the building, deciding to split up into different directions.

The path to the factories was covered with brown leaves. All the trees were leafless, which helped me see farther down the path. The Drive-through was littered with broken glass and empty beer bottles maybe from teenagers who come down here to drink. Broken electricity poles, their wires broke, it was all but empty. The sun was beginning to set and the windows of the buildings are giving off a powerful glare. We moved faster searching many empty long hallways.

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