Red Carpet (S.S)

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Sadie x female g!p smut and fluff

You were sitting in the back of a limo, beside your girlfriend Sadie, who was holding your hand on top of your thigh. You were about to go onto the Red Carpet for the Stranger Things 4 premier, you felt extremely nervous because no one knew of your private relationship with Sadie. On the other hand, you were a minor celebrity, being a small singer with only a couple albums out, mainly chill indie. You and Sadie met a couple years ago, through an event that you both just so happened to be at. You were friends at first but realized you had major feelings for the redhead, and so did she. So now you've been dating for a year, and she insisted on you joining her at the premier. You wore a velvet navy blue tux, with no shirt under, showing your cleavage, you had black versace shoes on and your suit was given to you by versace as well. Sadie wore a navy blue velvet dress, attempting to match you, with black pointy heels, her outfit gifted by prada. Honestly, you were kind of upset that she decided to wear a dress, you loved it when she wore a suit.

As the limo started to arrive at the edge of the red carpet, you began to hear screaming of the fans outside the door, making your heart race and your leg bounce. "Hey, it's okay, just follow my lead." Sadie says with a smile, as you open the door and hold your arm out for your girlfriend, she grabs on and lifts her dress as to not step on it and she waves to the cameras that were already flashing and taking pictures. You close the limo door as it drives away, and you begin walking closer to the carpet, fans behind metal fences on either side, yelling both your names. The cameras surrounding the two of you, taking countless pictures as you continue to walk and Sadie waves and says 'hi' as you smile and just continue walking. Sadie lets go of your arm and goes over to the fans behind the fence, people just standing on the red carpet with cameras or papers or microphones and you just took it all in, looking around at every little detail. You looked back to Sadie who was taking pictures with her fans and signing posters and other things. Someone from behind you yells your name and you turn to see fans holding out Stranger Things posters and other stuff to sign. You walk over to them smiling, "you know I'm not in Stranger Things, right guys?" you joke as you take pictures and sign countless hats, shoes, phone cases, etc and then you feel a hand interlock with yours, Sadie stands to your side, saying 'hi' to the fans who are obsessing over the confirmation of their theories, taking pictures as Sadie drags you over to the end of the carpet, walking towards the more formal area, where everyone who's involved in the show stands around, talking.

"C'mon, I want to introduce you to the group." Sadie says, holding your arm as you walk over to 5 people standing around in a circle talking. You stand behind Sadie awkwardly as she clears her throat, bringing the attention to her. Everyone says 'Sadie' and she hugs them all individually. Then everyone's eyes make their way to you. A girl steps forward, holding her hand out, "I'm Millie, you must be y/n." she says in a British accent as you shake her hand, she pulls you into a hug, "we've heard a lot about you." she finishes, backing away from the hug as everyone says their hellos, introducing themselves.

As you all talk for a bit, you're instructed to make your way towards another red carpet to take pictures. You walk behind the group, not knowing if you could include yourself with them. The group walks on the carpet as you wait at the edge, not wanting to walk on. Sadie takes a few individual pictures and then some with her castmates. She notions over to you, waving you to come on, and as you make your way on, paparazzi yells your name, asking questions like 'are you in the new season' and 'are you and Sadie dating' you ignore them as you pose as best as you can, you've only done a couple of these, but nothing as big as this. You walk closer to your girlfriend, latching around her waist as she grabs your arm and puts it up onto her shoulders. You're upset at this and put your head down to whisper in her ear, "are you ashamed of me?" she looks up at you, and nods her head 'no' but you just keep your arm wrapped around her shoulder, posing for the cameras in front of you and then unknowingly, Sadie pulls your neck down to kiss her. The paparazzi go crazy as they scream 'Sadie! Y/n' you pull from the kiss as your girlfriend smiles, looking into your eyes as she grabs your hand and pulls you away from the carpet. You spin her around when you're off and pull her closer to you, holding her hips.

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