Secret Santa (M.M)

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Max x female fluff
Summary: in between season 3 and 4, the group decided to have a big secret santa exchange at Mike's house. Of course you "couldn't go" because during season 3, you lost your whole family to the mind flayer, since they were flayed, so Joyce took you in and you moved to California. What the group doesn't know is that you, Will, and El are surprising them there, with the gifts that you got for the secret santa, but also other personal ones. 
(Part 1)

As you walked into Mike's house, Mrs. Wheeler knew of the surprise plan from Joyce, so she sent out Mike and the group to go run errands for her. You, Will, and El, carried bags full of gifts for the group, each bag for each person of the group, as well as your Secret Santa gifts to the basement. You wore a red Christmas sweater, with a Christmas tree on it, some blue jeans, and the black vans that Max gave you before you left. 

You, Will, and El started to set up the gifts around the mini Christmas tree that was in the corner of the basement, dividing up the gifts into sections for you, Will, El, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Max, then keeping the Secret Santa gifts separate. As you finished setting everything up, the three of you started to find a hiding spot, yours behind the staircase, El in the bathroom, and Will under the desk in the corner. You waited for what felt like an eternity, until finally the basement door opened.

"I swear my mom is trying to kill me, I mean seriously, running errands in the middle of the day?" Mike sounded frustrated as you felt your heart begin to race.

"Dude, it's not that serious, plus it's Christmas time, be thankful." Lucas replied, making their way down the stairs.

You watched as you saw their feet through the slits of the stairs, walking down, not noticing the three of you, yet.

"When should we open presents?" Dustin asks, sitting beside Lucas on the couch.

"Should we call them? It's probably like morning in California right?" Max asks, sitting on the floor.

"I wish they were here." Mike says sadly as everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Wait, what are those?" Dustin looks over to the tree full of presents, as you make eye contact with Will, under the desk. His eyes widen, signalling to go.

The group walks over to the tree, turning their backs to you and Will as El opens the bathroom door as quietly as possible, and begins picking up the presents, shaking and reading the name tags.

"Some of these are to y/n, Will and-"

"BOO!" you and Will yell, behind them, grabbing their shoulders.

"HOLY SHIT!" they all say in unison, turning around to face you and Will, Mike running over to El and picking her up and spinning her around, kissing her face all over.

Lucas and Dustin hug you and Will, asking a bunch of questions with smiles on their faces. You pull away from their embraces before making your way over to Max who stood there, shocked.

"There's my girl." you say, as Max's face begins to brighten seeing you walk over to her. You pick her up, her legs wrapping around your waist and begin kissing every inch of her face as she giggles. The group watches in awe, knowing Max hadn't been doing so well. "How are you, my love, I missed you so much!" you say, holding her.

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