Bruises and Confessions (M.M)

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Max x Female fluff
Summary: you're Will Byers' sister, in season 2 era, before all the mindflayer stuff. You're also a year older than the party, so you're a freshmen in high school.
Warning: contains violence and some slurs

"Stay down you little shit!" you yelled, standing over Troy who was on the ground, who just called Will zombie boy. Will was behind you, standing on the concrete watching as you stood over Troy. "Don't ever call my brother that again. Got it?" you said as you grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him up closer to you. He nodded in fear as you pushed him back down to the ground, turning around to your brother who stood there in shock. "Now, where were we with your mixtape I made? Oh right Head over Heels-" you started but was interrupted by Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Max who ran over to the two of you.

"Shit, Will are you okay?" Mike asked, grabbing his shoulders. You smiled at this, happy he had a caring friend group. You didn't really have that, you were the outcast in your grade, so you found yourself hanging out with Will and his friends most of the time. "Yeah I'm fine, y/n took care of it." Will says, looking over at you which brings everyone else's gaze to you. "Hi y/n" Dustin smiles at you, you knew the kid had a crush on you so you liked to tease him. "Hi Dusty" you reply, grabbing one of his cheeks making his face light up. You look over to Max who's fiddling with her skateboard, looking down at her feet. "Hey Red, show me a few tricks?" you say, standing next to her. "I don't know any" she replies, keeping her head down, "Well I could teach you a few!" you say excitedly, grabbing her board and her hand.

You drag her over to a spot with a lot of concrete and move away from her, putting your foot down and pushing off the board, doing a moving kickflip into a manual. The rest of the party join beside Max, who just watch in awe, they didn't know you knew how to skateboard. You ride back towards them, stopping right in front of Max's feet. You kick up the board and hand it to her, as she just stands there with her mouth open. "Wha- how-" she stutters as you just laugh. "Practice, Red, maybe I could show you sometime." you smile as the bell rings from the high school, telling the students that lunch was over. "Well, school awaits" you say backing away from the group, "I'll see you at home, Will, bye guys!" you say waving as you ran back towards the high school. The party watches in silence as you run towards the high school. "She's so hot" Dustin exclaims, earning a punch from Will, "What?!" he finishes, the group just shake their heads, but Max could care less about the argument, she was focused on the fact that you, y/n Byers asked her to skate with you.


At this point of the day, you were sitting in your room, on your bed, listening to your mixtape on your boombox, as you drew in your notebook. The sound of your door swinging open causes you to jump as you look over to see Will standing there,  "Will, you scared me, are you okay?" you say before noticing the tears in his eyes, you get off your bed and notice his cheeks stained with tears, and his eyes glossy, you pull him into a hug, coddling him and petting his hair, as he wrapped his arms around you, sobbing. "What happened? Did Troy do something?" you pull away, holding his shoulders. "No, I had another episode, I-I saw-" he stopped before sobbing again, wrapping his arms around your torso. "Okay, okay, why don't you just sit in here with me okay? You can sleep beside me, and I'll be here if you have another episode." he nodded before walking over to your bed, laying down and closing his eyes, and you sat on the other side of him, watching him fall asleep as you go back to sketching.

A few hours pass, you had closed your eyes at some point, you look to your left to see no Will and your clock reading 9:27pm, "Shit, when did I fall asleep?" you mutter to yourself, yawning and rubbing your eyes. You lift yourself off your bed and make your way to the living room. Mom and her boyfriend, Bob, who you're pretty fond of, are sitting in the living room, laughing at some movie on the TV screen, "Oh! Y/n you're awake. There's some dinner in the fridge, and someone called asking for you." Mom says, looking over the couch at you standing in the hallway. "Right, um, who called?" you ask, opening the fridge and taking the plate of food from the fridge, and putting it in the microwave. "Someone named Max?" she says in a questioning tone. You slam the microwave door, and press some buttons, starting it up. "Oh yeah, she's one of Will's new friends, I told her I would show her some skateboard tricks." you reply, watching the food in the microwave turn. "How old is this, Max?" she replies in a light tone. "Mom! She's in Will's grade. Plus, no, ew." you yell back, hearing your mom chuckle. "Alright, alright, I'm just saying." she replies, putting her hands up innocently. You sit down at the table, eating your dinner. You can't help but to think about the young redhead, but snapping out of it, knowing not to think of her like that.

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