On Film (S.S)

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Sadie x female smut and fluff

Summary: you're a private photographer who takes photos on film, you started out just doing some for your friends but then some celebrities asked you to take some for them as well which came as surprise to you. Today you were requested by Netflix to take some of their cast for press.

You were in your local film shop picking up film cartridges for your shoot today knowing that you would definitely be taking a shit ton of photos out of your camera. Since you became a bigger photography account, growing over 3 million followers on Instagram as well as huge celebrities reposting your photos, people began recognizing you more on the streets of NYC where you lived. 

"Hey Aaron." you said to your friend who was at the counter. 

"Hey y/n, what's up?" he leaned on the counter, looking at you.

"I was wondering if you had anymore of this film in the back? I need like 5 more rolls of 36 exposures."  you placed the 2 boxes that you had already picked up from the shelves on the counter.

He picked up one of the boxes, "I'm sure we do, I'll check for you." he walked towards the door behind him and stepped through.

You sighed and turned around, leaning on the counter and facing the door. Your sunglasses and hat disguising your identity was something new for you since you had become kind of overwhelmed from getting recognized on the street. You began wearing it after the time when you were taking photos of your friend Hailey in the park and some random teenagers came over and interrupted the whole session, trying to pose with her so you had to move locations. All anybody would ask was how their favorite celebrity was and who you were shooting next.

The bell rung above the door and a couple girls who looked your age walked through them so you turned back around and leaned on the counter, waiting for Aaron.

He walked through the door, "okay y/n I have-"

You cleared your throat and looked at him, putting your hand across your throat signaling for him to be quiet and pointing your thumb towards the girls who were looking at the counter confused. 

He mouthed "oh" and walked towards the counter, placing the boxes of film on the counter. He rang them up and told you the price of the film. You handed him your card and paid for the film since you were being commissioned by Netflix they were basically paying for it. 

He handed you the film and you placed it in your tote bag with your film camera that was hanging around your neck then walked towards the door quickly.

You walked out into the streets of NYC and walked down towards your studio that was only a couple blocks down from the film store. The shoot was an hour away so you still had time to slip into the studio without people seeing that were usually stood in front of it.

Once you walked into your studio, you said hello to your receptionist Dana who you hired a couple months after you started renting. You walked past her desk and towards the physical studio part that was decorated with your best photos on film. 

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