I'm Sorry (Z.B)

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Ziggy x female g!p smut and fluff
Summary: you and Ziggy have been hooking up at Nightwing ever since the camp started, first it started out as just sex but now you had a lot of feelings for her, romantically, and you never planned to confess to her, mainly because you had taken notice of her and Nick flirting and you were jealous, but never said anything. The 1978 Massacre doesn't occur in this imagine. 

Warning: mentions of drugs

You sat on the edge of the lake's dock, kicking your feet in the water and reading a book. People were shouting around you, playing in the lake as you just focused on the words in front of you. You weren't ever going to go in the water, because no one knew about your dick. Other than Ziggy. So, you sat on the edge of the dock, in your shorts and sports bra, and ignored the splashing of water around you.

"Hey, y/n, get in the water!" a girl called out in front of you.

You threw your book down in your lap, looking up at who called out for you, it was your friend, Elle. "Can't you see I'm busy here, Elle?" you brought your book back up and continued reading.

She scoffed, smirking and swimming towards you, "do you think I care? Get in." You looked down at her as she tread between your knees, "oh, c'mon, the waters warm." she said in a flirty voice. She smiled. 

You rolled your eyes, cheeks turning pink, "I'll pass, maneater."

She groans, "oh, you're going to pay for that." she grabs your feet and tries pulling you in, your book falls in the water as you hold on to the wood pole beside you for dear life and kicking your feet.

"No, no!" you yell, giggling. "Elle, no!" Elle's laughing, still attempting to pull you in. You laugh hysterically and continue yelling.

"She said no, Elle." another girl speaks behind you.

You and Elle stop laughing, as Elle lets go of your feet, gazing behind you and swimming away. You look behind you only to see Ziggy standing there annoyed.

"What the hell, Zig?" you stand up, standing in front of her.

She grabs your hand, pulling you away off the dock.

"Ziggy! Stop!" you yell, taking your hand away. She turns to you as you stand there, angry, "What the hell is your problem?"

"Oh get in the water, y/n, get in the water" she shook her hands and mocked Elle in an annoying voice.

You scoffed, "jealous, Berman?"

"No. I just don't like her." she replied, crossing her arms. 

"Right and the sky is green." you rolled your eyes, walking past her. 

She ran up next to you, grabbing your bicep and pulling you behind one of the cabins, pushing you against it, forcefully. You gasp at your head hitting it, as she stood in front of you, inches away.

"You listen to me, stop acting like a little brat, and stop talking to Elle." 

"What are you going to do about it? Hm?" you looked into her eyes, "hm?"

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