Sweet yet, rotten

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(hey guys author here this is based on the story I wrote in my notebook but revamped because I wrote it at like 3 AM;-;)

(credits to my mom for helping me decide on a name B] )


The breeze carried along a smell known to many. it was a thick scent of peaches. However, many were rare due to how peaches were only given to god, sages, or monks (very rarely would monks be given these peaches because of being gifted immortality but still vulnerable to death) the peaches are said to give immortality to those who eat the peaches, these peaches were known to come from on top of a mountain. To be specific flower fruit mountain this mountain was home to endangered chimps and the sage, equal to heaven, Sun Wukong. 

The bright-colored monkey took a large bite out of a peach which he had picked from his tree laying on a rock near the small cottage he owned, or well, "settled in" "ugh," he sighed leaning against the tree branch he was sitting in. He looked down to the base of the tree, "I wish Mk hadn't canceled his training today," he leaned back looking up shutting his eyes. "It's so boring without em'.." The monkey groaned from boredom. He quickly sat up seconds later, with an idea striking in. He smirked standing up and sliding off of the tree, the monkey brought out his hand summoning his transportation, a cloud. He went aboard the cloud but stopped thinking to himself. "what if Mk changes his mind..?" he thought to himself, whilst pondering for a couple of seconds, dumbfounded, an idea struck. he walked into his home opening a drawer while cluttering through useless papers and items he smiled pulling out a sticky note from the drawer. He quickly shut the drawer and began to write, (YES I KNOW HE CAN'T READ OR WRITE CANNONICALLY BUT MEI TAUGHT HIM IN MY AU-) "My dear protege, I would like to inform you that I'm heading to "Chessom Tree Forest". If you changed your mind on training you know where to find me. -Monkie King." Wukong, Proud of his work, grabbed some tape and stuck the sticky note to the door. Wukong smiled and got on his cloud, zooming off into the distance to the point where he could no longer be seen.

Soon after Wukong had left a noise was heard in the bushes, chimps near the bush sat up and squeaked running away. The figure finally emerged from the darkness, the monkey wore dark clothing attire almost like a warrior with a torn dark red scarf around his neck, He was darker than Sun Wukong he was almost all black only difference was that he had small streaks of a neon blue in very few places. He was maybe 2-4 inches shorter than the monkey before. He turned over to Wukongs door taking notice of the sticky note on the door. He took it from the door, looking over it. He smirked, "Oh Wukong.... don't you know it's rude to not include your "old pal" in old activity?" He laughed, returning to the shadows. A face glowed for a second before disappearing never to be seen again.

Somewhere else, Wukong had finally arrived at his location, it was a vast peach, mango, and blossom tree forest. It was pretty far off from the city but not too far to the point where it would have taken him a long time to get to. Wukong smiled as he passed over the trees, leaves rustling in the wind caused by the cloud. The cool thing about this forest is that very few people get access to it, most people who entered were sacred gatherers, monks, sages, and the gods. But there was an isolated area that allowed people in with permission, Wukong and- Wukong stopped himself. He didn't wanna remember any further than that, his past was something better off left untouched and forgotten about. Wukong took a deep breath, Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of something, something vaguely familiar, he changed courses and went over to the spot. Hopping off his cloud he pushed back words in his throat, he walked up to what he had spotted, A large peach tree. Although it fits in with all the other trees there was one thing different with its appearance, it was humongous. Wukong went up to the tree, placing his hand on the rough bark, "hey ol' girl.." He smiled as he grabbed hold onto the rough edges of the tree, ascending upward. Wukong tried his best to choke down old memories that entered his mind, he was only here to enjoy the atmosphere, not remember... HIM. Once he reached the top of the tree, he took notice of a ripe peach in the tree, plucking it off and holding it in his hands. He looked around for a place to sit finding an open area in the tree perfect to lay down on without the possibility of falling.

After sitting down on the tree, he sighed, looking down at the peach in his hands. He felt the warm, peach-filled, smelling wind hit his body, it made him relax more. He took small bites out of the peach. He took in the peace around him, as trees swayed in the wind, wishing that the peace would last forever. Wukong sat up very quickly ears perking up, there were sounds surrounding him. Wukong covered his ears due to the loud sounds, he pinpointed one of the sounds and saw one of the sacred gatherers out of the corner of his eye running away, shrieking. They were running away from one of the peach trees nearby, he quickly got on his feet looking around as all the different sounds surrounded him. Before he could react he felt two hands grab his shoulders tackling him to the ground. As he fell onto the tree, he tried to speak but a hand covered his mouth, shushing him. He looked to his side seeing the dark monkey on top of him, he bit the dark monkey's hand making the monkey retreat his hand.

"MACAQUE WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" macaque smirked, "nice to see you too, king" Wukong growled at mac narrowing his eyes, this only made mac laugh "what are you doing here mac.." Mac only smirked, "nothin" he looked down at Wukong, "I just wanted to revisit our old play place." Wukong growled again, looking Mac in the eyes, "we both know that's a lie, Liùěr Míhóu" Mac growled at Wukong shoving his head onto the tree bark. "Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That" Wukong laughed, "what can't handle your REAL name??" Mac growled at Wukong "you know very well my name is Macaque, not that" Wukong rolled his eyes "whatever." Macaque loosened his grip, Wukong seeing his chance to be able to be in the stronger position, grabbed macs hands flipping their positions. Mac just rolled his eyes, "oh no!" Mac struck a dramatic pose under Wukong, "I'm trapped by the great sage" mac laughed as Wukongs face flushed pink slightly. Wukong growled at Mac, "Now...Tell me what you want mac." Mac smirked looking Wukong in the eyes, "Nothin Just wanna have a nice chat" Wukong raised an eyebrow, "nothing else? just a chat?" Mac nodded, "just wanna have a chat, simple as that" Wukong was hesitant but slowly got off of mac.

The way Mac sounded he seemed serious so Wukong decided to trust him this once. Once Wukong got off of Mac he sat up rubbing his shoulder "Your grip has gotten stronger" Wukong rolled his eyes at him "Just get to the point Mac"  Wukong snarled, making mac retreat a bit "okay okay jeez-" Wukong looked over at Mac as he tried looking for words, Mac sighed. "So?" Wukong spoke up, Mac looked over at Wukong "I wanna start over" Wukong was shocked by this but chuckled a bit "and why should I do that you Six Eared Drama Queen, emo cat-monkey shadow demon thing" Mac rolled his eyes "oh I'm so insulted" Mac's smirk turned to a frown as he looked down, "I think we both know is best to do so cuz well it's affecting the both of us... It's best if we put it behind us and try to start over from scratch"  Wukog looked at Mac, taking a deep breath, "Your right..." Mac looked up shocked not expecting Wukong to agree to this. Wukong was mostly stubborn and refused to make compromises, so this was new to him. Mac smiled holding out his hand to Wukong "So... Friends?" Wukong looked into his eyes smiling softly "of course..." Wukong grabbed Mac's hand, pulling him in to embrace him. This surprised Mac, Although Wukong tried to keep a straight face he broke down into Mac's shoulder "a-and I'm sorry..." Mac smiled, He hesitated to reply, putting together words as Wukong continued to sob into his shoulder, "I'm sorry too peaches... I shouldn't have lashed out." Small bits of tears streamed down Mac's face, hugging onto Wukong. 

After a long embrace and talk, they both laid down to relax while watching the sky. Soon enough the two had fallen asleep on one another, still holding each other. as the sky soon turned bright as the sun set, Mk had arrived in the forest. While searching he saw Monkey kings tail, he smiled climbing the tree "MONKE-" he soon realized that Mac and Wukong were cuddling while sleeping. He made a soft smile seeing the two had resolved everything. He gasped taking out his phone and snapping a picture. He chuckled "I'm so using this as blackmail later to get out of doing chores" Mk finished taking photos climbing down from the tree and returning to his car and driving home to share with the others what he had seen. 



1650 words yall :) 

I hope yall enjoy this took me way too long and credits to @Nao_EmptyMess for listening to my rambling lol 

hope you all enjoyed it!

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