Our Future

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this story premises a idea i had in the future for Nao_EmptyMess and I's RP enjoy :>


Small bits of laughter erupted from within the forest, the Six Earred Macaque watched as 2 small teens ran through the forest, "Come on Savage I know your not that slow!" the darker one known as Savage chirped in step and tackled the light one they both looked at each other before making small giggles and laughs. Mac smiled but was interrupted by someone quite known to him, "Hey Mangos!~" Wukong hugged him from behind which surprised him, "Peaches how many times have I said not to scare me like that!" Wukong let out a small chuckle as the other took a deep breath, "What cha doing?" Wukong looked up at him, Mac gave him a soft smile pulling him close. He then pointed to the ground, "Just watching the cubs" Macs ears perked up "speaking of Cubs how was training with Mk?" Mac looked down at Wukong, "It went well! the kids startin to get better then me! soon enough I won't have to train em!" Mac smiled then nuzzled Wukong's neck, "that's nice Peaches" Wukong chuckled as Mac pressed his face into his shoulder. 

After a bit Wukong had went to set up dinner, it was his turn to cook so hopefully he wouldn't burn down the house again, Mac watched the cubs as he laid in the tree. Savage and Rumble had been talking for hours as they drew in the dirt, Mac was happy to see them so close. It reminded him of when him and Wukong were younger. He suddenly had an idea and smirked, he went into the shadows and approached the twins, Rumble was laughing at Savage because he got dirt all in his face, while that happen Macaque snuck behind the two, "hello~" Rumble jumped back as Savage began to laugh at him, Mac chuckled and stepped out of the shadows. "Dad why'd you have to do that!?" Rumble crossed his arms pouting, Mac ruffled his hair, "can't i tease my own kids?" Rumble turned away not having it, Mac just chuckled at this. "It's almost time to go inside how about you guys go clean up real fast. Savages ears perked up as he began to chirp, Savage grabbed Rumbles arm and ran off with him, "WAIT SAVAGE-" Soon enough the two were able to be seen, probably heading toward the lake or hot springs. Mac stretched as he returned to the shadows. 

Mac returned to the cabin as he walked in seeing Wukong setting out bowls, "Hey peaches, kids are coming in a bit" Wukong raised his head as he smiled, "alrighty Mangos!" Mac smiled as he sat by Wukong, he gave him a quick kiss then turned to his food. He stared at it for a minute before taking a deep breath he placed some of the food in his mouth, the lingering feeling as though he would throw up due to the past. It finally had gotten to the point where he could eat normal amounts of food without the urge to throw up but that feeling totally hadn't gone away. Wukong smiled at Mac as he began eating, and lord behold that's when the twins busted in, "WE'RE HERE!!" Mac covered his ears as he chuckled, "Rumble lower your voice please" Rumble halted and apologized, he took Savages arm and sat down to eat.

Once finished eating the twins headed to bed, Wukong and Mac sat in their bedroom. "..today was nice" Macaque finally spoke, Wukong looked at him and smiled, "I'm happy to hear that, after.. how much we have been through" Wukong laid on the bed as Mac looked at him, "Now come on we need rest, tomorrows another day" Mac nodded as he laid next to Wukong cuddling him. Finally after so long, they could rest.

Tomorrows a new day..


bit of fluff for yall due to the angst chapter from before hope yall enjoy it!

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