Extra! || Painted Scarlet || Angst

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Head up readers!! This ties in with my au and my rp between @Nao_EmptyMess !!! so be warned that this isn't canon to the story!! this is my own idea!! 


Wukong entered his room tired, the journey he had been dreading for the past few years was finally over, he could finally relax. Wukong sat down on his couch as monkeys chirped from outside his window. He smiled outside seeing the chimps play and having fun. He stared back at the ground trailing his hands to his head, durring the journey Wukong had happened to upset Tripitaka. In the monks anger he had cast the tightening spell, but it felt diffrent. It started to burn the Monkie King as it tightened around his head. Wukong shivered at the memory, the screams he made that day were no joke... after the monk had realized it was far too late as it had dug far into his head leaveing a scar, then he blacked out. While he had rested they removed the band only to heal the mistake they made, it was placed back on afterward.

Wukong curled up on the couch tracing over the marks with his thumb, maybe glamor could hide it? Carefully the Monkie King traced his thumb around the scar bending magic to his will to hide it. He jerked back every single time he pulled the wrong string, hissing in pain. Once finished with his dandy work he removed his hand. Wukong plucked a piece of his hair and turned it into a mirror, glancing at his reflection.. his eyes were bloodshot red and he had many scars along his face. Wukong stared at himself for a long time before touching his face and also glamoring it. Once finished he sighed and placed down the mirror, he stared at the ceiling. 

Small voices started to fill his head, whispering as if people were around him. Wukong covered his ears, "God not this again.." he growled. Whispers filled his mind some he could hear while others not so much, "he really did do it huh? he remembers nothing?" Wukong was confused about who they were talking about..? One of the voices laughed, "So the six eared freaks dead huh? about time... i was wondering when that kid would finally stop pretending" Wukong went silent.. he.. killed someone? I mean yeah hes killed many demons but, he doesn't remember one with six ears... "Yeah i know right?? they always acted so buddy buddy it was pathetic really, must have screwed with the freaks mind when he took out his eye" Wukong shivered at the thought of taking our someones eye.. why didn't he remember any of this nothing they were saying seemed familular.. "Mhm it was so stupid to hear him say 'oh Mangos!!' or 'hey buddy!' it sounded so stupid!" Wukong froze hearing the nickname "Mangos".. the voices disappeared as images popped into his head of a silver colored monkey laughing as they ran and played. Wukong held his head, his breathing quickening.

Wukong gripped onto his hair, tearing up. He killed his best friend.. Tears fell down his face as the memorys contined to flood into his mind, small ones just to figure out who the kid was... Liùěr Míhóu, his best friend... Wukong started to cry as his head was filled with voices and images. He began to mumble under his breath, "Stop stop stop stop stop stop S T O P......" Wukong dragged his hands to his neck as he dug his claws into his neck, then.. a scream. 

Wukong was panting as the voices finally ceased, blood drippled down his neck. He looked down at his hands, blood stained his hands. Wukongs eyes widened as he touched his neck, claw marks warpped all around  his neck, Wukong got up and ran to the bathroom, looking into the mirror. blood was flowing out of his neck, drippleing down onto his shirt and staining his furr. Wukong turned on the water and started splashing his neck with water cleaning the wound. Once finished he opened up his medicine cabnet and pulled out bandages, "god why did i do that... i really AM- NGH" Wukongs neck began to burn when he placed on the bandages. He let out a shakey breath and continued to place them on, once finished he looked at himself through the mirror and sat on the toilet. Wukong brought his head into his hands as tears fell down his face.  "Mangos... i'm so sorry.." As his breathing slowed he laid down on the ground, passing out. Monkeys peaked into the bathroom lying by Wukong... What happened to their king..?




HEYYY YALL!! enjoy this dumb idea i had! now excuse me ill return to the void. Hope you enjoyed it! (lmao this was so rushed)

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