My Shadow || Part 1

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This was requested by MacaquexSunWukong so hopefully you enjoy!


It was dark outside.. not many people visit the old theatre anymore apart from those who try to enter. However many fail due to the suspicion of it being hunted.. but today might of been your lucky day. You were set on patrol for the theatre and someone so happen to book a show, they had been there all day. You sat by one of the benches and looked to the stage, a tall slender figure approached the stage, looked like a man in his late 20's. in his hand he held what seemed to be a candle, "Hello fellow listeners" The man spoke, "Welcome to a story those have probably never heard.. I believe all those sitting in front of me have heard of the tale of the great Sun Wukong no?" Most of the audience including yourself nodded, "good good.." The man walked to the middle of the stage, "Well within the Great Sages story you might have heard of his best friend 'the six earred Macaque', known for his six ears and shadow abilities. Who many have known very little of, his tragic story of betrayal and being left for dead.."  The man gestured to the screen casting a series of pictures drawn of the two, "Now let me tell you a different story to those events.. a story of friendship and betrayal, a question many have been left to ponder.."





"What if the roles were swapped?"


Welcome to the shadow realm... where those who shine light don't belong. shun from society, however.. maybe that could change?

A young monkey ran into an alleyway as screaming was heard from behind, he had rust colored fur and not to mention many visible scars on his body, he leaned against a wall in the alleyway holding onto a basket of peaches, panting heavily from running away the shop keeper who owned the peaches. He took a deep breath as he placed a peach in his mouth, biting down, he let the fragments of sweet and bitterness burn onto his tongue. Wukong stands straight and strays farther into the alleyway, staring off into space. Wukong had been his name, was 19 at the time when he had been kicked out from his home due to his ability that would've been equal to heaven themselves. That ability which wouldn't help him survive here.. Wukong looks around for a minute before sits down, he sniffles slightly. He wondered what life would be like if the shadow realm had been more like the mortal realm... From at least the stories he heard.

Before coming to the realization he began to cry, letting the tears stain his face. Wukong curled up into a ball leaving the peaches off to his side. His cries however weren't left unheard, "YOU!" Wukong quickly raised his head as his eyes widened, the shop keeper caught up to him. Quickly picking up his things, he began to run. "GET BACK HERE YOU MUTT!!" Wukong felt tears fall from his face as he ran but paid no mind to them, he lifted his hand to wipe them off when he ran straight into someone. He fell back onto the ground as peaches scattered from his bag, he quickly glanced back then looked at the figure in front of him, "I-I'm sorry!" Wukong went to pick up the peaches when he felt himself get grabbed by the arm, "YOU MUTT, YOU HAVE BETTER HAVE NOT EATEN ANY OF MY PEACHES" Wukong looked terrified at the owner as he flinched back ready to take a hit. 

"That's quite enough Lonton" a lighter voice spoke, Wukong's eyes widened as he looked back at the figure, it was a demon monkey like him, he had white and black fur, and he had a mix of purple and gold eyes. The shop owner looked at him and stopped in his tracks, he immediately let go of Wukong, "I'm am so sorry my king!!" The shop owner looked at Wukong angrily, "This one here stole from my shop and ran off" Wukong took a moment to process the shop keepers words, then his eyes widened. King?! He means THE king?! Wukong felt all the color fade from him, that shock was replaced with fear.. He would be killed for sure! He didn't wanna die!! Wukong made a small whimper as the king glanced at him, the king then turned his attention to the shop keeper, "how much." The shop keeper looked at the king, "...pardon?" The king sighed as he took out a bag, "how much were the peaches he stole" The shop keeper looked shocked then spoke, "well they were $26.54 but-" The king shoved coins to the man. Exactly $26.54. "Let him off with a warning, I'll take matters into my own hands, off you go." The shop keeper nodded slightly then glared at Wukong before walking off. 

The king sighed and leaned down. "I'm so sorry about him. You took it because you couldn't pay for it, correct?" Wukong stared in shock at the king then slowly nodded, picking up the peaches from the ground, "I-I'm sorry for the trouble sir.." Wukong spoke softly, the king chuckled, "No need to worry.. I'm Macaque by the way! I'll name you... Peaches!" Wukong glanced at Macaque and giggled, "seriously? Peaches??" Mac smiled as he nodded, "You stole quite a lot for food did you not?" Wukong smiled and nodded, "yeah right smarty pants" the two giggles alongside one another, "My name is Wukong though.. thank you for helping me.." Mac smiled gently, "no problem!"  Mac looked at Wukong with a smile, then noticed small tears forming on his face, "hey.. why are you crying?" Mac reached out for Wukong's face, he cupped his cheek gently. "s-sorry it's just I've never had anyone be kind to me before..." Mac frowned as Wukong went to wipe his eyes, "... how about this." Macaque stood up holding out his hand, "You can come with me for a bit until things get better for you, I'll give you a room, clothing, and anything you desire. Hows that?" 

Wukong turned his head to Mac, then shook his head, "I-I could never take such an offer! after all.. all I am is a street boy" Mac frowned and helped him up, "I understand how you feel... but I truly wish to help you! You're truly kind, and you're honest." Mac smiled softly as he looked at Wukong, Wukong looked at Mac teary eyed as he wrapped his arms around him, "thank you.. thank you so much.." He sobbed as Mac gently rubbed his back, "No problem.. now let me lead you to the mountain. I'm sure my subjects will be quite fond of you." Mac smiled as Wukong smiled back. "that sounds nice.."


Wukong looked at his hands, he held a photo of him and Macaque smiling ear to ear, Wukong teared up as he threw the photo to the side. "Damn it Damn it Damn it!" Wukong curled up into a ball as he leaned against a wall, "Why do i still LOVE you" Wukong sobbed into his knees as he gripped tightly onto his sheets. After everything that damn king made him go through, he still missed him.. dearly.


Hello! this will be put into different parts because of the time i have with writing, hopefully you guys enjoy the first part! thank you!

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