Trapped In The Snow || Part 1

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Requested by @Nao_EmptyMess


It was in the middle of December and it was snowing, Pigsy closed his shop because of snow covering his door, he wasn't very happy having to do so. MK sat up in his room with Mei memorized by the snow, it was very rare for it to snow in the city so MK was very excited. Mei looked over at MK, "Mk are we just gonna stare out the window or go outside and have fun???" Mk looked over at Mei, "oh! sorry haha." Mk stood up and grabbed his coat, "Let's go find the others and see if they wanna go have some fun!" Mei nodded grabbing her phone and texting the group chat. "what did they say????" Mei smiled at MK, "they seem cool with it! we just need a location to meet up at!" MK held his chin, "hmm... How about near the mountains to the east of Monkie Kings mountain??" Mei started texting on her phone again and smiled. "Yup! seems like a good place! Everyone seems good with it." Mk jumped up, "Race ya!" MK ran off and Mei laughed, "Hey!! you got a head start!!!"

Soon enough the two had arrived at the mountain, Sun Wukong was sitting by a cabin and looked at the two, "hey kiddos!" He got up and ruffled Mk's hair while Mk chuckled, "Good to see you too Monkie king!" Mk looked around for a second, then back at Monkie king. "where are the others?" Wukong smiled at Mk and Mei. "They are all inside warming up, the only one who hasn't arrived yet is Macaque" Wukong mumbled his name huffing, "I don't even understand why you two invited him, he's such a party pooper" Mk crossed his arms. "you only think that because you two argue non-stop" Wukong sighed, he got him there. "whatever you say kiddo, come on inside it's warmer in here" Mk and Mei smiled as they both entered the Cabin, the two looked around amazed, did Monkie king own this place?? it seemed so much bigger inside than the outside, Wukong chuckled. "you two have fun exploring I think your friends are inside the living room" Mei looked over. "yeah Monkie man we got it from here, thanks BAIII!" Mei quickly grabbed Mk's arm and ran into one of the hallways to explore. Wukong smiled and once again went to the front to wait for the others not sure if Mk had invited anyone else outside his friend group. 

Wukong waited at the door getting dizzy he had been outside waiting for almost an hour, he sighed. "I guess Mac isn't coming after all or anyone else for that matter" As Wukong went to turn around to go inside he felt the air grow colder and around him grow dark. He shivered to turn around. Macaque emerged from the ground with a grin on his face. "Hey Wukong~ waiting on little ol' me I see?" Mac was using a teasing tone, and Wukong just rolled his eyes. "i-its cold and I was making sure everyone came to the right place. Now that you're here we can go inside where it's warm" Wukong was mostly referring to himself.. he was cold and just wanted to go inside. Mac chuckled, "I'm not too cold how bout we stay out here and talk for a bit?" Wukong growled, glaring at him. "there is no WE, you can stay out here for as long as you please... I'm going inside" Wukong pushed past Mac and opened the door, slamming it in Mac's face. Man, he could get on his nerves sometimes.

Minutes passed and Mac had already come inside, he mostly said what he said to tease Wukong. Wukong didn't appreciate it all that much, he sat in front of the fire warming up his hands. Mk came over to the Monkie king and sat next to him. "hey Monkie king you alright? You don't seem all too well.." Wukong turned his attention to Mk and smiled, "yeah kid I'm fine. It was just too cold outside for my liking" Mk nodded to his words, turning forward. He leaned slightly on Wukong. He was warm (although he said otherwise), smelled like peaches, and had just a light hint of mint. It was nice, Wukong looked at his successor and ruffled his hair. "So kiddo what's on our to-do list for today?" Mk turned to Wukong and thought for a minute. Maybe we could play some video games for a bit? Oh! and maybe hide and seek! the mountains have the best hiding spots!" Mk smiled, exited, Wukong chuckled a bit and leaned back. "Sounds like a plan, I still need to get my new win streak on "Monkie king: Battles with god" against you" Mk smirked at him. "Not a chance! ill beat your butt!" The two laughed together, "Alright then how about we get moving then?" Mk smiled. "Alright!" They both got up and went to go search for the others.

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