Just Peachy || angst

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Hey guys, been awhile. I'm sorry I haven't had much time and motivation to write, it's hard to strike an idea that interests me. Please try and follow me on different platforms, I'll be trying to make a discord server to keep you all updated as much as I can. So look forward to that.

A shadowy monkey laid by his side, the cold breeze of the room running down his scalp, or was it what she left over. He wasn't too bothered to think about it much.. the monkey laid there with the covers barely over him, he shivered to the air. Too much familiarity to something he knew once, something not too kind in his mind. The shadows' eyes crept their way to a window in the small, barren room. He stared, for a minute or two, too dazed to keep his eyes from imagining things within his mind.

He was reminded of hands that left him long ago, oh how those stars deceived him,whispering possibilities of a future, possibilities of them together. However, this didn’t ease his mind from the thought of missing it. The shadow monkey grumbled in his bed turning over and rubbing at his eyes. That time was over, he needed to move on from something that was never meant to be, nor heal. He let out a breathy sigh, this would most likely be another sleepless night, might as well do something to ease some part of his mind.

The shadow demon sat up from his bed, stretching to make the ached bones in his body crackle back into place, the sound wasn't pretty, he himself keened at the sound. Once done he got up from the bed putting on some simple shoes instead of his normal boots, there wasn't much to go to, he could let himself go for once. He threw on some simple clothes, a long, black turtleneck sweater and some dark red sweats. The monkey took a coat and wrapped it around himself, also not forgetting his scarf. He looked around once to his "home" then with the quick hitch of his breath, he fell into a shadowy void quite known by him.

The monkey reappeared in his downstairs kitchen and began to go through the fridge for something to snack on. But before he could he felt a light tug on his sleeve, turning his gaze he was met with icy blue eyes staring at him. He yelped loudly, pulling away, but then quickly came to his senses. Staring at him was Wukong, with pale skin, empty eyes, and hair that wasn’t as colorful as before.

Macaque sighed, he forgot he promised to take care of him. After the defeat of LBD even with everything that happened, after she… died.. It didn’t seem like she left Wukong. He stayed in his possessed state. Even with everything. Now not having a master he didn’t really do anything other then stand in the battlefield. When Mk and the others saw him they were shocked. But seeing that he was not harmful they took him with them. But in recent days they dropped his sorry ass at his dojo doorstep, saying that they were gonna look for a cure and couldn’t take Wukong with them. Without being able to listen to his protest they took off leaving Wukong there with him.

Macaque stared at Wukong, his gaze uncertain, “you… you need somethin?” He spoke awkwardly, Wukong lowered his arm staring at Macaque, not uttering a word. Right, he couldn’t speak. Macaque groaned, “if you don’t need anything i'm going out on a walk, foods in the fridge and so on and so forth.” Macaque turned around to leave once more but once again, Wukong stopped him. He grumbled annoyed. “Listen I’m not your babysitter can you please let-” Before Macaque could speak again, Wukong harshly tugged on Macaque arm, oh shit. He seriously was so stupid to let his guard down, now he was gonna get- what he expected.. Didn’t come. Instead Wukong wrapped his arms around Macaque silently.

Okay, what was happening. A minute ago he was planning on leaving to get fresh air, and now? His enemy had his arms wrapped around him, hugging him. Oh buddha, he wanted to throw up. Wukong looked down into Macaque's eyes, Macaque went to yell at him but nothing came out of his mouth, too shocked to even speak. Wukong took this as the moment to do his next action, he picked Macaque up and began to walk towards the living room. This finally made Macaque go to speak, “wha- HEY PUT ME DOWN” MAcaque began to thrash around in Wukongs arms as an attempt to escape, sadly, Wukong had a stern grip on him.

Once Wukong had made it to the couch with Macaque's complaints, he sat down and held Macaque to his chest. This only made the other more confused and frustrated, “... let me go Wukong.” Macaque hissed, Wukong glared at him and held him closer, ‘more persistent than I thought, great..’ Macaque thought to himself, he sighed then crossed his arms, “what do ya want am i gonna have to take out a word board?” Macaque ment this sarcastically but didn’t expect for Wukongs head to move in an up and down motion ever so slightly. So he can have his own responses. Macaque grumbled and then took out a translator on his phone, had a bunch of words already put into it so Wukong just had to press play on some. Macaque handed him the phone, “press it twice if that's the one you're trying to say.. Alright?” this time, Wukong didn’t respond. Instead he looked at the phone and started pressing on the words one by one listening to all of them.

After what seemed like forever Wukong managed to remember most of what the words were, Macaque was getting tired of being stuck in his lap without being able to move, he listened closely to what Wukong was pressing, just so that this would be over. Wukong moved his hand to the phone. “Are. Are. You. You. Okay. Okay. ? ?” Macaque froze hearing the sentence of words, he looked at Wukong who was staring directly at him with his icy blue eyes. Macaque hesitated then sighed. “Not like the actual you would care but, eh not really.” He mumbled, he didn’t know why he was talking to him, actually saying his feelings but hey, they got this far right?

Wukong turned his attention back to the phone and began to press the words once more. “Why. Why. ? ?” He turned back to Macaque. Macaque was caught between saying the truth or lying but he only sighed. “Dono, just haven’t been able to sleep much, takes a toll on my daily activities.” Macaque did something he never expected to do, ever. Slowly his body leaned on Wukong sluggishly. “When do you ever care anywho?” Wukong huffed. Feisty I see. Wukong looked back at the phone. “Always. Always. So. so. Dramatic. Dramatic.” Macaque laughed, “you know me” He gave a shit grin to Wukong but then went back to his normal expression. “Still, why do you care?” Wukong looked at the phone for a minute, then back at Macaque. “Lost for words? Figured as much..” Wukong looked at him. He put the phone down and wrapped his arms tightly around Macaque.

“huh?!” Macaque yelped, Wukong fell backwards on the couch and pulled Macaque to his side. He wrapped his limbs around Macaque and put his hand on his head pushing Macaque's head to his chest. It took a minute for Macaque to process what was happening. Wukong. Was. cuddling. Him. Macaque began to squirm around, “Wukong! Let me go you imp!!” He yelled, Wukong only stayed silent, tightening his grip, “s-sle-ep” Macaque froze, he looked at Wukong, he was looking directly at him, the great sage was sure filled with surprises. Macaque stayed quiet for a moment then sighed, “fine, this is the only time i'm doing this..”

Macaque pulled himself closer to Wukong pressing his ear against Wukongs chest. Wukongs tail wagged ever so slightly. Wukong then pressed his head on Macs, Mac sighed. “Please don't suffocate me” he joked, Wukong huffed and ran his hand up to Mac's hair, running his hand through his hair then stopping. Mac sighed again as a shiver ran down his spine. After a bit he slowly felt his vision darken and he closed his eyes. His breathing slowed and he relaxed in Wukongs arms.

.. he could get used to this..

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