10 things about you

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yes i did change some things up from the request but here we are lol- anyway enjoy!


It was a normal day in- "GOD WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" ...scratch that-. It was another day at Flower Fruit Mountain, one of those days where The Six Eared Macaque felt like bothering The Great and Powerful Sage, Monkie King.

"Oh come on Wukong~ it was an honest mistake!" Mac followed Wukong from behind as Wukong debated whether to hit Mac in the head or not, "Ah yes, Hitting a peach out my hand was an "honest mistake"" Wukong growled as Mac chuckled silently, "See? I knew that small brain of yours could comprehend it!" Wukong turned his head to Mac who was on the verge of laughter due to his expression, "UGHHH Forget it!!" Macaque smiled and leaned in front of Wukong smirking, "Aweee is someone angyyy?" Wukong growled in response, "God I hate you so much.." Mac smiled having an idea to that statement, "Since you hate me sooooooo much, how about this~" Macaque used a shadow portal to appear behind Wukong, "If you can give me at least 10-15 reasons of why you hate me so much, I'll leave you alone for a straight month!" Wukong thought about it, "and if I can't?" Mac smirked, "I get to hang around in your house for a month straight" Wukong shivered at the thought of Mac constantly bothering him for a month.. then again.. a month without Mac bothering him sounded nice.. "Deal." "Wha-" "I said deal" Mac was surprised by the statement but smirked, "You have yourself a deal then~ You can start whenever you want! but any sign of struggle and you get a strike, three and well you're out!" Wukong nodded and thought for a minute... he had so many reasons of hating Mac but where to start..

"Okay.. I think I'm ready" Mac perked his ears up interested and waved his hand out, "the floor is yours" Wukong looked at Mac and took a deep breath, "10 your fucking selfish, you only ever care about yourself and the decisions you make due to them almost result in harm to those around you" Mac looked at Wukong nodding, "9 you're Jaded! Everyone tries pleasing you but you always seem so bored of everyone and everything!!" Mac listened carefully to Wukong, for some reason.. Hearing this from Wukong... hurt? no. Pained him. "8 THE DUMBEST PERSON I'VE EVER MET!! You don't think so! You don't realize how something will play out until the last second! and even then it's only when it affects you!!" Wukong wasn't thinking how this would affect Mac it felt good to have some of this off his chest... he wasn't thinking. "7 You talk "big game" til you choose the wrong people! You say you're looking for the Jackpot or the big picture and you choose the worst thing!! You rely on others 24/7!?" "Wukong-" "6 seconds and I had to FUCKING FAKE IT!!" "Wukong ple-" "5 YOUR TOXIC!! when I was friends with you you never let me do anything!! you didn't want me to get any other friends! I mean WHAT FRIEND DOES THAT?!" "Gem!-" "4 I can't trust you with ANYTHING!! whenever I trust you, you always betrayed it!! you tried killing my master after all what else would you do if i trusted you with the kid!" "Wukong please I'm begging you!!" "3 you still have MENTAL ISSUES!!" "Sun-" "YEARS OF YOUR BULLSHIT I CAN'T UNDO" "WUKONG!" Mac shook Wukong to get him to stop talking, Wukong was crying and Mac was trying to snap him out of the state he was in. He was hyperventilating and sobbing into Macs shoulder as he continued saying what Mac wanted. Wukong held him close afraid of it getting worse if he let go "1... i hate the fact you made me love you.." 

Wukong finally stopped talking as Mac froze, he... he loved him? Wukong held onto Mac as he continued sobbing. "I'm so sorry" Wukong looked up at Mac hearing these words tears streamed down his face as he looked at Mac. "Fuck I'm so sorry peaches.." Mac started crying as well as Wukong looked at him, he called him peaches.. he was being honest. "I'm sorry too Mangos... we put this off for so long.." Wukong cupped Macs face. Without thinking Wukong kissed Mac, Macs eyes widened but he leaned into the kiss. They stayed like this for god knows who long before finally pulling away. they both let out heavy breaths as they looked into each other's eyes, "I love you Mangos.." Wukong brought Macaque closer as he nuzzled him. Mac's ears perked up as he smiled. "I love you too Peaches..." 

"soooo does this mean I still need to-" "shut up"


Hi guys!! I'm still working on the spice chapter so I'm clearing out some requests I haven't done! this one was from hegonLOSEIT- so I hope you enjoy it!!

yes i did correct the @ shush

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