Extra! || A Little Bit Too Much Like Me || DadMac

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So brain rot time lol I have been having ideas of savage and rumble for an RP I'm doing with a friend and future ideas for the twins I wanted to write out this scenario better so enjoy! 

(yes it's inspired offa Zootopia don't yell @ me)


It was a late fall in the mountains, Savage was roaming around the mountain looking for his friends they said they had wanted to talk about something.. He didn't exactly know what, turning the corner he was greeted by Josiah a young yet strong demon for his age his parents so happen to be Ice demons. Josiah smiled seeing Savage, "Hey! there you are! the groups waiting for you! Oh and by the way I forgot to mention Oscar said he couldn't make it so it's just gonna be me and the guys!" Savage smiled, then signed, "That's alright by the way what did you guys wanna talk about?" Josiah looked at Savage and smirked, "just a small surprise for you! now come on!" Josiah quickly ran off into the forest leaving Savage confused, Savage chirped loudly for him to wait and chased after him. 

The boys went deep into the forest, the deeper they went the more anxious Savage became. Josiah finally stopped running and looked behind him, Savage caught up and looked at him. "are we there yet?" he signed, Josiah smirked. "yup.. yes we are. GRAB EM!" Without warning 3 boys from the group tackled Savage to the ground, Savage struggled under their grasp as the rest came out from the shadows of the forest, snickering among themselves. Savage looked up as Josiah approached him, he kneeled down and pulled off his scarf throwing it to the side. Savage chirped shocked as Josiah lifted his head to show the others, "See! He is related to those dumb monkeys!" The group laughed as Savage's ears went back, "How about we give 'em a message huh??" The group roared with agreement, one group member stepped forward with something in his hands. Upon getting a closer look, Savage's eyes widened. It was a muzzle. Savage began screeching and hissing as the others pushed his head down onto the dirt.

After a bit of struggle, they managed to get the muzzle onto Savage. one of the members went behind him and tightened the straps enough to not be taken off, Savage whimpered at the pressure. Josiah whistled at the guys holding Savage down, they let go of Savage. Immediately Savage began trying to pull off the muzzle scratching at his face and pulling it off with force, tears streamed down his face as the boys laughed. Savage stood up as he ran into the forest, Josiah yelled behind him. "AND DON'T COME BACK YOU CURSE" 

Savage ran out of the forest as tears continued streaming down from his face. Once he got back to the shack he opened his bedroom window and climbed in. Seeing Rumble wasn't in there he locked the window and shut the door with a slam. Savage began to sob as they tried pulling off the muzzle. They scratched at the straps and pulled at the metal with no results, only harming himself in the process. Savage finally gave up after an hour or so and curled up on his bed whimpering. However, he was soon interrupted by a soft knocking at the door. "Kiddo...? is everything alright? I heard you crying.." Savage immediately sat up and ran over to the door unlocking it and jumping into Mac's arms. He wanted to explain but his hands were shaking and his throat hurt from crying. Mac looked down at Savage in shock, he held onto him, "kiddo what happen why are you upset??" Savage pulled away grabbing at the muzzle and whimpering, Mac felt his heart shatter. Mac quickly understood the situation and got behind Savage pulling off the muzzle with no success. After what seemed like hours he finally took the muzzle off, an imprint of the muzzle was all that was left as Mac pulled it off. Savage turned around as hugged him tightly sobbing into his shoulder. 

Seeing his cub like this Mac felt anger build up in his chest, "Cub I know you're upset but I need to know who the hell muzzled you" Savage lifted his head slightly, his eyes were bloodshot from crying and his face was contorted he signed as best as he could. "friends, not Oscar" It was all he could sign but Mac got the main point, he growled. he was gonna have to kill those kids later but Savage was his main focus at the moment. "how about we go to a bakery to cheer you up.. you can get any sweets you want okay..?" Savage slowly nodded rubbing his eyes as he tried to calm down, Mac smiled as he kissed Savage on his forehead. "I'll let peaches and your brothers know to come home early, I'll take care of those assholes later" Savage laughed weakly as he hugged onto Mac, "t-tha-thank yoh" Mac's eyes widened surprised.. so they weren't fully mute after all.. "you're welcome... now come on before peaches gets onto me about feeding you sweets so late at night.." Savage nodded holding onto Mac's hand. 

'your a little too much like me kid... that was one thing I hoped never to think..'


YOOO hi yall sorry for my absence hopefully this chapter will bring yall joy I'm bringing something spicy out soon so look for that bye!

♥ ShadowPeach Oneshots ♥Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang