cinq: rainy days

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"rainy days"

It was the second day of high school and so far it was going pretty good. Johnny and Annie had become close. Jack and Josh too. And as for Asher, eh, he was just there. She had only talked to Lilia, Kenzie, and Jayden during class hours.

Annie was currently walking towards lunch, Johnny texted her that she had to come sit with them today because she promised that she would yesterday.

She agreed, I mean, why not?

She approached Lilia's table to tell her that she would be sitting with the boys today.

"Hey Annie!" Lilia smiled.

"Hii, um, can I go sit with the boys today?" She asked them.

"Are you sure? They might bully you-" Jayden said but she was cut off by Annie.

"Johnny asked me to sit with them." Annie answered with a stern voice.

"Oh, okay. Sure" Lilia smiled.

"Thank you, bye" she said walking over to the boy's table. Johnny and Asher weren't there but Jack and Joshua were.

"Hey guys" Annie smiled sitting next to Josh.

"Annieeeee." Jack smiled. "You came!"

"Hey Annie" Josh said too. "How were you're classes?"

"Boring. I don't know how Mrs.Helen can be so energetic in the morning"

"You can say that again." Josh nodded.

"did you find another girl to flirt with today?" Annie grinned at Jack.

"Well, not really but there's one right in front of me." He winked jokingly.

Annie laughed, "Where's John and Asher?"

"John? Since when do you call him that?" Jack asked narrowing his eyes.

"Since today Jackypoo" Annie laughed teasing him.

Jack scrunched up his face. "Yeah no. Don't call me that."

"They should be here in a minute" Josh said and the next you know the cafeteria doors opened revealing Johnny and Asher.

As Johnny noticed Annie sitting with his friends his face lit up, he gave her a small smile earning one back.

Johnny proceeded to sit on the other side of Annie while Asher sat next to Jack.

Johnny slightly smirked, "Hi Julie."

"Julie??" Jack questioned. "She just called you John a minute ago what is up with these nicknames-" Jack said as both Annie and Johnny turned to look at him.

"Jackypoo I kept a nickname for you too." Annie smiled.

Jack groaned as the rest of them laughed, "that's stupidd" he dragged.

Soon lunch was over after a few minutes, it was the last period.

Annie and Asher had Science while the others had History.

They had normal conversations. Like, 'hey how was your day been?' and stuff like that until Jack brought up the new PS 5.

"See you after school Annie." Johnny smiled before leaving. He had asked her to meet up outside.

Asher was walking away but Annie decided to talk to him, "Hey Asher," she said. "Do you wanna walk together?"

Asher simply shook his head "no thank you." He said solemnly.

She sighed, "I'm just trying to be nice" She said and she walked away.

It was the end of the school day, she was waiting for Johnny since he told her to wait after class.

"Boo!" Johnny exclaimed behind her.

"That didn't scare me doofus" Annie said as she hit his arm.

"Well, I tried. Anyways do you wanna come with us today?" Johnny offered.

She looked up at the sky. "The weather looks cloudy and depressing today, I think I'll skate." She said. "I hope it doesn't rain though." She mumbled at the end.

"You sure?" Johnny asked.

She nodded, "Positive, Bye John." She said as she got on her skateboard.

"Bye Julie." He smiled and waved.

"Your never stop calling me that are you?" She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Nope" He said popping the 'p'

"I like your jacket by the way, where'd you get it from?" She grinned.

He smirked back at her, "You can have mine beautiful"

She raised a brow still grinning, "Beautiful?"

"A new nickname wouldn't hurt right?" He winked putting his arm around her.

She shook his arm off and patted his shoulder, a smirk evident on her face, "Not at all Juan" she winked matching his energy.

"I don't know if I like that or not" He said as he put his hand back on her shoulder.

This time Annie left his hand on, "Well you better get used to it" She said.

"You still don't want to ride with us?" Johnny asked again

Annie shook her head, "Its fine, See you tomorrow John"

"Bye beautiful." He smiled one last time before she got on her skateboard and went away.

As soon as Annie left the school gates it started to drizzle and then get worse.

"Fuck." she cursed out loud. "I should've gone with him." She said to herself as she tried to go faster.

She loved the rain but she was wearing denim shorts with a huge sweatshirt which is 1, gonna get soaked and 2, she might get a cold. Plus, she really didn't want to get her hair wet.

By this time it was pouring and she was completely wet. But luckily to her surprise a car halted next to her.

"Still up for that ride?" Johnny shouted from the window.

She looked at him with a thankful expression and laughed, not expecting him. She let out a breath, "yes, please"

She sat in the shotgun, noticing Josh and the back. "Jack and Asher?" She questioned because they weren't in the car.

"Detention" Josh replied from the back.

"Oh." She said running her hand through her wet hair.

"You should come to our place today." Johnny said.

"I need to change." She sighed.

He glanced at her then back at the road, "I'll give you my hoodie?" He said.

She looked at him and smiled, "fine."

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