trente-six: dad moment

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"dad moment."

"Did you both just kiss!? or am i high on oxygen?" Jack said as he looked at both of them.

Johnny pursed his lips, "The second one-"

"What the fuck? Why did you kiss her?"  Jack furrowed his eyebrows. "Ew." He mumbled after.

Johnny smirked putting his arm around Annie, "Because she's my girlfriend." He stated making Annie bit her lip because she didn't know how he was gonna respond.

"Did I hear that right?" Jack raised a brow.

Annie nodded smiling nervously, "Yeah..surprise..?"

"Wait like—for real?" 

Johnny kissed Annie again, "Yes!" He laughed.

Jack scrunched his nose, "Uh so first of all!—SINCE WHEN? and how come EVERYONE except ME knows? y'allarekindacute but i NEVER said that. I don't approve of this gross relationship. HOW DARE do you both NOT tell me, DO I LOOK LIKE AN OVERPROTECTIVE DAD TO YOU???? i think i look quite handsome if you ask me.ANYWAYS, i hate this! i demand both of you to break up right now—and I KNOW you did not just kiss her again right now GROSS. Ew. Vomit." Jack ranted dramatically.

Annie laughed, "Aw Jackypoo you don't approve?"

"Nope, not one bit." Jack rolled his eyes. They both knew he was just playing with them because mad jack is a completely different character. "UH-HEM Since when did this happen again?" Jack raised his brow yet again.

Johnny glanced at Annie then back at Jack, "Tomorrow's our one month." He stated.

Jack gasped and of course it was dramatic, "So it's been a whole month since you guys have been all kissy-kissy behind MY back!?"

"Actually, I kissed her at her first party" Johnny smirked.

Jack widened his eyes playfully, "How did I not catch up- I KNEW you guys were too touchy to be just friends." He huffed.

"I hate you both for not telling me." Jack looked away from them trying to act mad.

Annie frowned, "I'm sorry Jack but hey we saved the best for last right?" She put her shoulders up then laughed softly.

Jack looked up at them as Asher approached them, his car keys in his hands. He's always late for everything.

"What did I miss?"

Jack crossed his arms as he looked at Asher making all of them, "Did YOU, half-brother of THE Annie LeBlanc know she was DATING THE Johnny Orlando!?"

Asher twisted tongue as he smiled, "Would you be mad if I said I did?"

"And you're cool with it!?"

"Hey it's not like he's gonna pin her to the wall and all." Asher said to which Annie blushed in embarrassment.


Johnny laughed, "What makes you think I haven't already done that?" Johnny said looking up at the sky.

Annie nudged him. "Stop it." She whisper-shouted.

"Wait wh-" Asher got cut off by Jack.

Jack scoffed dramatically, "So I was really the last person to know!?"

"Pretty much." Josh laughed.

Jack groaned, "I hate it here." He dropped his hands.

Asher put his arm around Jack's shoulder, "Don't worry you'll get used to it." He shrugged.

"I still do not approve of their relationship." Jack stated pursing his lips.

Josh rolled his eyes, "Come on-"

"Shut up. Let me have my angry dad moment okay?" Jack cut him off.

Johnny laughed taking the opportunity to put his arm around too Annie pulling her closer, "Well you know what time it is?"

Josh crossed him arms, "I'm going to pretend like i'm not left out."

Annie giggled, "I feel like it's time for Ice-cream!"

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